Talk fast....

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The word hadn't yet got to Langer. Max was driving there fast. It had to be Langer who had leaked the operation which Max led, leaving 3 dead swat and numerous injuries, she was going to take a lot of stopping!

Max pulled up at the gates to Langer's house, they were bomb-proof, car-proof but certainly not Max-proof. Max got out of the car, before she started on the gates she used a heavy C.S.A. issue torch to throw up at the CCTV camera. She aimed and threw the torch with a lot of power behind it, It smashed into the CCTV camera knocking it off its bracket, and it dangled from its umbilical.

Max went up to the large iron gates. She put her hands on the gates where they met in the middle. The gates were powered by an electric motor which was controlled remotely. These weren't your average iron gates either. High security and often fitted at the homes of government officials, VIP's and royalty. Max started to push the gates, but they resisted initially with the electric motor kicking in to prevent them forced open. Max's arm muscles counter-resisted and applied more force. Her muscular legs also began to work in unison with her powerful arms, the electric motor struggling to battle the immense power of Max's physique.

Smoke started to come out of the motor, it was straining to keep the gates shut. The frames of the iron security gates were crushed by her vice-like grip and as her arms began pushing harder, the force started to buckle the frames of the gates. The iron was groaning and creaking as Max's strength was bending and forcing the gates open, The gate motor burnt had smoke rising from it as it could take no more. Her powerful arms forced the gates apart, a final angry push flinging them back against their hinges, One of them came off the hinges and she flew back so hard that the brickpillar partially collapsed. Max went to the gate on the floor, she put her foot on the buckled frame and then her hand on the iron bar. She pulled hard bending it upwards and then pulling it away from the rest of the gate. She did this with a few bars, she was preparing for a fight. The alarm started sounding at Langer's house which meant Max had about 8 minutes.

Max got back in the car and followed the tree-lined drive leading down to Langer's huge house. Max walked up to the reinforced door about to kick it down when Langer opened the door.

"Max listen to me...."

Before Langer could finish his sentence Max grabbed Langer by the throat and threw him across the floor. He skidded on the marble for a short while...


She kicked Langer in the chest sending him even further across the floor. He was in pain.


Max grabbed Langer by the collar of his expensive suit. She dragged his helpless body up the stairs, extra wide stairs with artwork on the walls. They kept going his body bouncing on each stair. to the 1st floor and into a drawing room. Max kicked the flimsy French doors open, splinters of wood and the lock falling to the floor. She walked over to the balcony dragging Langer and then she lifted Langer over the wall of the balcony and dangled him over the edge.

"This saves me the trouble of breaking your legs, do you know how many of the swat team got broken legs? I'll give you a clue, don't include in your total those who died"

Langer was desperately wriggling and trying to communicate with Max.

She paused and brought him back over.

"You of all people know I can crush every bone in your body, I could snap you in half, I could rip your spine out of your fast Langer"

Max figured she had about 2 minutes left before the goons turned up. Max released her grip slightly.

"I'll cancel the response team, Max. I just need you to listen, there are things you don't know"

Max nodded. She realised her grip. Langer knew she could do what she wanted with her strength, it was almost limitless.

Langer called in the stand-down code.

" I need a drink to numb the pain...Max?"

She refused. She was still fuming.

"I've been compromised, Max. They control me. I've got some tech inside me & they turn it on when they need it. I can't fight the suggestions, not orders but the suggestions they give me. They build up then they become an order, it's really strange. I knew I was telling them about your assault on Goode's home, but I couldn't stop" explained Langer.

"Is this mind control?" Asked Max

"Sort of, it's unknown chemicals and tech Max, We don't have a clue, whatever is in me can be switched on"

"How do they contact you?" said Max

"I don't know"

"Did you want me back in the C.S.A or was that them?" asked Max

"That was me, Max I need your skills, I need your loyalty. You are the best, I need your help" Langer had a tear in his eye.

"What was that about...."

There was the sound of a chopper flying towards their location.

"Quick Max move to cover!" said Langer

There was the whistling of bullets flying from the chopper. They weren't C.S.A., they have to be linked to the Red Eyes, but they don't usually have this level of equipment. The bullets stopped for a short while, and it sounded like the chopper circled. Bullets started to come through the walls...

"Shit! They've changed ammunition" shouted Langer over the noise of the chopper.

They circled again, there was a pause...Max ran out and put her hands on one of the stone ball finials. Max began to pull upwards, she had to be careful so she didn't crush the stone ball, the marble started to crack and crumble as her strength dislodged the 18kg stone ball from its stem. The chopper was just coming around the building, Max nestled the marble ball like a shot putt, and the chopper came into view. Max aimed and powered the stone marble ball towards the helicopter. It was like a canon had fired a shot with the speed it sailed through the air. The stone ball hit the side of the helicopter, the force first causing the helicopter to change course slightly and cause panic as the stone travelled through the engine and out the other side.

"Max, your strength never fails to impress me!" said Langer.

They both watched as smoke poured out of the malfunctioning engine, The helicopter was losing height, fast and spiralling down, it started to fall to the ground on fire. Within a few seconds, it crashed into the ground. Max never liked hurting people or killing them but in this situation, it was a us or them scenario.

"Im pleased it wasn't you Langer. You are an arsehole but I didn't think you were a double agent," said Max

"Thank you, Max. I'll call the clean-up team & the doc, let's use me to find out more about this stuff" said Langer

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