The tunnel.

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Max took cover in the limited undergrowth and looked towards the largest warehouse. Maybe it wasn't the best time to think about what she had done, but she couldn't help thinking about what Langer had put inside her body to make her impossibly strong. We're there any limits? Max didn't know, did she care?

She soon snapped back into mission mode and focused on the buildings in the distance. A large warehouse with a few scattered smaller buildings.  The goons would likely have rifles or some kind of mid-to-long-range rifle, so her approach needed to be cautious, which was difficult when the cover was light. She noticed a small brick building to the left of her, the cover was sparse, but if she moved fast enough she could probably make it without being seen.

The small strange brick building seemed to be more of an entrance as it was very narrow & shallow for a building. Max approached the rusty heavy inch thick steel door, she grabbed the handle and attempted to twist it but it didn't budge at first. Max tightened her grip on the steel lever and pulled it towards her, slowly towards her. As her forearms and bicep tensed she easily the door lever out of shape, twisting it in her small powerful hand. She heard a groan from the steel door under pressure against Max's power, the rivets flying out from the panel which held the handle to the door came loose. Max yanked the handle off and threw it aside, the lock mechanism was exposed. She smirked as she dug her hand into the steel like she was crushing a lump of butter in her hand, she ripped the lockout of the door and then casually opened the door and walked in.

You could only take about two steps then there was a steel ladder leading down into the darkness.

"As long as there aren't any rats or spiders...or spider rats" she joked to herself as she descended the ladder.

She stopped mid-descent. Did someone call my name she questioned. She heard a male call her name faintly like it was someone in her ear. Max feared it was the same mind control which affected Langer. She kept quiet but couldn't hear the voice, so carried on her descent. When she reached the bottom of the ladder it was wet and was possibly some kind of storm drain or overflow. She didn't like it one bit and moved quickly in a direction she selected by pure guess, she had no idea which way to go.

A 4x4 with four goons pulled up at the bridge. The ones seemed a little smarter than the others and made contact with their superiors straight away.

"Part of the bridge has collapsed. It looks like a textbook swat team approach, They've blown it. No sign of the van, I think they've been taken out"

He held some binoculars to his eyes.

"There are no cops on the other side....this isn't their style...maybe it's the special forces? What do you want us to do?"

"Stay there, hunt around, search near the bridge. Report in every 30 minutes" said the voice on the other end of the radio

Two of the goons stayed at the bridge edge whilst the other two drove around the perimeter. Unknowingly they started to almost follow the same direction Max had just taken and soon could see the small brick access building.

"Looks like they're in the storm tunnels, they've destroyed this steel door so must have explosives on them. Not sure how many there are...over"

"Send one down. You stay up at the door" ordered the voice at the other end of the radio.

The goon in charge sent the last man down whilst he stayed at the top.

"You get trouble, shoot and I'll come down. They need me to stay up with the radio" explained the head goon.

The other goon slung his gun onto his back and started his descent.

Max came to her first underground junction, she had no map, no tech, nothing. She put her finger up against the solid tunnel war and pressed into the concrete. Her forearm tensed as she put pressure on her finger and started to write, the debris fell from the wall as Max moved her finger around. She stepped back and blew away the dust. The shaky writing had two words and an arrow drawn into the solid concrete wall, start the word out, and a directional arrow to aid. At least she could start tracing her way back out. Max continued straight ignoring the other tunnel options.

The goon made his way to the bottom of the ladder stepping into the shallow water he held his gun pointing forward ready for whatever he found, he didn't care. He had already decided to shoot first and ask questions later. He stopped and listened but couldn't hear anything so continued forwards, walking as quietly as he could. Continuing down the tunnel he eventually came to the first junction, he turned on his flashlight and looked to see if any of the tunnels suggested which direction he should follow. He shone his flashlight around and saw the engraving that Max had done unknown to him with her finger. He all so decided to continue straight, he was following the same route Max had taken by complete chance.

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