I have the power...boat!

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Max was fast and a highly skilled driver, she had to go the long way round to try and catch up with the suspect. The R8 was being driven hard, with Hard acceleration & braking.

Max screeched to a halt, Her door opened and she almost leapt the few steps from where she had pulled up, to get to the back of the boat.

It was a white speed boat, currently sitting lower than Max was on the quay. It had two large powerful-looking outboard motors fitted on the rear either side. The cheese guy turned around and had a panicked look on his face. He had only just cast off the mooring rope and didn't have time to reel it in. The speedboat started to lift at the front as the powerful engines kicked in, there was a slight smile of relief on the cheese man's face. That was until he saw Max bending down grabbing the rear of the boat,  in between where the two engines are seated. Her other hand was holding onto the mooring post.

The powerful engines started to push the boat forward until Max's arm was at full stretch and took the strain. Her bicep started to take the strain, increasing with size as it increased the resistance to the outboard motors, and her forearm and powerful shoulder muscles also grew as they pumped full of strength. Max's other arm flexed as it held onto the mooring hook, veins showing. Max was holding the speedboat and stopping it from moving. There was a ripping sound as the seam on her leather jacket tore, her bicep was reaching its peak size.

The cheese guy shouted to the guy at the controls

"More power, more power!!"

There was desperation in his eyes and disbelief shown on his face. He couldn't understand how this woman was stopping the speedboat, she was holding it back with just one arm! The engine tone changed, and you could hear that the engines were under strain. Max was beginning to enjoy this feat of strength, she hadn't been involved in a tug-of-war with a speedboat before. Smoke started to bellow out of the crushed outboard, the engines were struggling, redlining, and pushed to their limits. Suddenly a crack started to appear in the back of the boat where Max's strong hand was gripping, The integrity at the rear of the boat was starting to fail. Max could handle the boat and overpower it but the boat couldn't handle Max. The back of the boat broke off in Max's hand, she fell back. The engines had been under immense strain trying to pull away from Max and stalled. The boat drifted away slightly.

Max needed to get the rucksack. She ran back a few feet and then started to run as fast as she could she leapt from the quayside, her powerful legs sorting her off the side of the quay. She leapt around 12 metres onto the boat, she landed gracefully on the speedboat, met instantly by the pilot. He came at Max with a 6ft boat hook,  the boat hook was a Wooden pole with a cast iron hook on the end. Max dodged the sharp hook and grabbed the pole with both hands, She swiftly lifted the pole upwards, but he was still holding the pole. Max lifted the overweight man effortlessly into the air, and as Max lifted him higher and further off the ground he couldn't let go, he was now about 11 feet in the air screaming and kicking his legs above Max. She did let go of the pole when the momentum was still in full flow launching him flying through the air. He crashed into the quay wall and he landed in a heap.

The cheese guy had a gun and pointed it at Max.

"Don't move" he screamed.

Max thought he looked scared and by the looks not confident with guns. He was not your usual crook.

"Okay, I won't move," said Max calm as ever.

"What are you going to do? I broke your boat!" said Max

"What" asked the cheese man not listening

"I destroyed your engines, this boat won't be going anywhere"

"You're lying"

Max had been in a lot of situations where guns had been pointed at her. She knew that he wasn't going to shoot. Slowly Max walked back to one of the outboard motors. She sat down putting one of her hands on the outboard motor.

Max quickly put her hand down the side grabbing the outboard engine and ripping it from its fixings. She held it up with her powerful arm and flexed her other bicep.

"See...I told you it was broken"

Max then continued to bend and crush the once mighty engine into a heap of scrap metal.

"See useless. No, you have an option. You can put the gun down and talk to me or I can fold you in half like this motor!"

"How did you do that" the cheese guy pointed to the pile of twisted metal

"I'll ask the questions first," said Max sternly

Max would never hurt someone unless the deserved it. At this point, he didn't. There was something more to this.

The cheese man sat down, he put the gun down. He put his head in his hands. He started to explain that he was a promising scientist. He disagreed with the big pharmaceutical companies and their methods. He wanted to offer drugs for free to people on low incomes but the companies didn't like his ideas. They shunned him and prevented him from working within the industry. So unemployed and getting into debt he turned to the dark web to make money and prevent his home from being repossessed.

The criminal gang he got involved with at first threatened his family and then kidnapped them. He was forced to make the drug.

"So it's in the cheese," asked Max

"How come I didn't become affected?"

"It only works on a percentage of people" he replied.

"What's going to happen to me?" he asked

"I'm with the C.S.A., my name is Max. The more you cooperate with me and the C.S.A. the more leniency you'll be shown by the court. So start telling me names, where are the  Missing people?"

"I only know the criminal gang was a group called Red Eyes" he explained

"I don't know where they put the people after they ingested the drug" he explained

That was not the answer she was looking for. Max took the rucksack and his phone. Other C.S.A officers arrived detaining the male and taking him away for further questioning.

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