New Pool-TS (part 2)

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(i only read through this like twice sooo yea)

Mother: Taylor

Y/n age: 3

Part 2

!Disclaimer! this isn't 100% accurate in how you act while trying to save someone from drowning. In reality, when you start  CPR it breaks the ribs with the risk that it could puncture a lung but I didn't want to write that so I changed parts (made it less heavy) and didn't feel like writing ambulance and hospital stuff etc. I feel lazy what can I say🤪. So basically I acknowledge this isn't accurate so don't come for me.
(I've done loads of CPR courses but I'm not an expert so pls do ur own research before trying to save someone)

Tws: drowning, throwing up



I grab her by her armpits immediately placing her out of the water, I jump out next to her landing and sitting on my knees.

Her lips are turning blue she looks so lifeless. I grab her shoulders turning her around to start hitting her back.

"Oh god please no, not her please, she's still a baby." I cry
"Come on Y/n! Breathe! Please, just breathe!" I sob loudly my tears landing on her small back as I continue hitting it.

I carefully spin her around and place her down on her back. I'm not the best with Cpr but I take a course every time I go on tour. I know that for babies it's two fingers and for toddlers, it's two hands but not as hard as an adult compression.

"Come on baby your so strong. Just breathe!" I yell with tears still flooding out of my eyes.
"I can't lose you angel please," I beg
but then I hear gagging sounds followed by loud coughs and sobs. I quickly spin her on her side letting her spit all the water out of her mouth before bringing her into my embrace.

"Oh my baby, oh my god my baby" I cry spinning her around and wrapping my arms around her placing her head under my chin with one of my hands holding the back of her neck to get her as close to me as possible as the adrenaline wears off and my heart rate calms. I don't care that we're both soaking wet. I feel like massive weights had just been lifted off my chest,

She's alive.


I've only been in the backyard once, with Mommy when she had to talk to some guy about a pool which looks like is filled up with water now.

I walk over and put my hand in the water it's really cold not like the baths mommy gives me. Mommy says that when the pool is put in I can learn how to swim since we can't go to normal pools and take lessons with other kids because, after a while loads of people with cameras appear. Anyway, I hid a ball out here, I was playing with it while Mommy was talking with that guy.

"Where did I put you?" I question scratching my chin.
"Think, think, think," I say spinning in circles tapping, my chin with my pointy finger and thumb.
There it is.
"Why are you in the bush silly" I giggle at the ball. I like this ball it has a smiley face on it.
I grab it out of the bush and start bouncing and throwing it in the air, I want to see if can touch the sky coverer.

I throw the ball down and it bounces and flies into the pool
"Oh no," I whisper. Mommy says never go near or in a pool without her or another grown-up around but I really want my ball and..... she'll never know right? and I just put my hand in it.

I run over to the edge of the pool and squat down. I start stretching out my arms to grab it when I hear someone yelling from inside. Oh no. I reach out even further so I can grab Mr Smiley and go inside so Momma doesn't realise I'm outside by myself but then all of a sudden the ground moves.

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