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NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHE STRUGGLED, Jaime had not let up on dragging Nyla away from the crowd. Jaime had shoved Nyla away into some sort of dungeon, and he had left her there for days, leaving her to think he was simply doing Cersei's bidding and killing her, likely by starvation.

It had been a few days, long enough where Nyla was starting to feel weak, as if she would faint and never wake again at any moment. A faint sound of a door slamming shut snaps Nyla out of her trance, and she watches as Jaime Lannister walks towards her with something in his hands Nyla can't make out in the dim lighting of wherever it is Jaime had brought her to.

Fearfully, Nyla backs away from the approaching man, only ending up forcing herself into a corner, Jaime towering over Nyla once he makes it to stand in front of Nyla where she's huddled into the corner.

"Please..." Nyla croaks out, her voice quiet and shaky, her throat sore and dry. At her pleading, Jaime seems to be pleased, a small grin taking over his face.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Nyla." Jaime shakes his head, but Nyla is unsure of his true intentions even with this reassurance. "Here." He holds out whatever it is that he brought down with him, and Nyla flinches back before realizing it isn't some sort of weapon that he's about to use against her. "Drink." Nyla reluctantly takes the item from Jaime's hand, finding its water, and Nyla greedily drinks what he gave her.

Jaime whistles, and for a moment Nyla fears this was a trap like she had thought it would be, though she knows in her state there's nothing she could do about it, and she expects members of the Kingsguard to appear from where Jaime came from around the corner. However, instead of any people coming from around the corner, Nyla recognizes the familiar jet-black fur of her direwolf, Onyxia.

"Here, girl." Jaime snaps his fingers at Onyxia, and the direwolf immediately jogs her way over to Jaime, sitting at the man's feet. "I made sure to keep her safe, too."

"What are you talking about?" Nyla furrows her eyebrows, unsure of what Jaime is getting at with his statements. "Why haven't you just killed me yet?" She questions.

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm not here to hurt you, Nyla, I've already said that." Jaime shakes his head again, his hand finding the way to Onyxia's head, scratching behind her ears. "I'm sorry it took so long, but I needed to make arrangements to ensure you could get out."

"Get out?" Nyla blinks in surprise.

"Well, you won't be safe here. Not after you ran. So, I took you before you could get yourself caught and in trouble. Dead, most likely. I was planning on you only being down here for a few hours, a day at most, but it took longer than I thought to get everything arranged." Jaime explains, his tone casual as if this is a normal conversation for him to be having with Nyla.


"Stop interrupting me so I can tell you 'What'." Jaime orders, and Nyla reluctantly shuts her mouth. "I have places to be. A war, for one." Jaime continues petting Onyxia. "You and Onyxia are to go North, to the Wall, and to find your brother Jon Snow. You'll be untouchable there as long as you make it." Nyla opens her mouth to question him, but it seems Jaime knows exactly what she's about to ask. "Before you ask, you can't go to Winterfell because Cersei will find you there, but if you're at the Wall, she'll likely leave you be." Nyla closes her mouth. "I have a bag with enough food and water for your trip for you and Onyxia, along with money in case I calculated incorrectly, or you need to buy something I forgot. You have a horse saddled and ready to take you to the Wall."

"Women aren't allowed at the Wall." Nyla brings up, doubtful Jaime had thought of this factor.

"Would you rather I hand you over to Joffrey then?" Jaime doesn't wait for an answer, as he already knows it would obviously be a no. "It's worth a shot. With Jon there, they might let you stay. It's better than what would happen if you just stayed here." Nyla can't argue that point, so she doesn't try. "Now get up. It's dark, you can sneak out if you go now."

Jaime offers his hand for Nyla, and the Stark takes his hand and pulls herself from the ground with Jaime's help. Without saying a word, Jaime begins to pull Nyla along with her, Onyxia following at their heels. Nyla follows silently, not bothering to argue against him, knowing that she doesn't really have a choice in the matter if she wishes to have any chance live.

Eventually, Jaime stops at the side of a horse, seeming to have not lied about what he had planned so far, giving Nyla no real reason to not trust him except for his blood relation to Cersei Lannister, which really isn't his choice.

"Get on." Jaime commands, but before Nyla can even move to mount the horse, Jaime has lifted her as if she weighs nothing and set her onto the horse himself. "Go North. Do not stop, do not go any other direction. Go North, go to the Wall, go to Jon." His tone leaves no room for argument.

"Okay." Nyla simply nods in agreement, not seeing any reason to try to argue with Jaime as he appears to be trying to help her, for whatever reason.

"Good." Jaime then grabs Nyla's hand suddenly and holds it in his own, squeezing it ever so slightly, almost seeming to be a sign of affection. "Be safe. Live. Don't make me regret helping you." Jaime kisses Nyla's hand as he had done when he snuck into her room all those nights ago, before dropping it from his after one more slight squeeze and Nyla's hands go to the reins of the horse.

"I won't." Nyla smiles slightly, glad for the darkness of the night keeping Jaime from seeing the slight blush that crosses over her face.

"Go, before someone catches us." Jaime winks, but Nyla doesn't ponder on it as she leaves Jaime behind on her horse, Onyxia chasing behind her.

The dark fur of the direwolf, the sleek mane of the stallion, and the black clothing covering Nyla all blend into the night as the Stark ride off into the darkness to the Wall, a place she never thought she would be heading towards, especially under such circumstances.

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𝓡𝓞𝓢𝓔, 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈 ¹Where stories live. Discover now