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As promised double update,

and thank you so much for 750+ reads. but I'm a little disappointed. you guys are getting regular updates so I also deserve some love. 

I know some of you are silent readers but please vote. 



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Inayat pov: -

I'm awakened by the sun's rays streaming onto my face. I snuggle deeper into my pillow, only to realize that it's not a pillow at all. Since the accident, I've been sharing a bed with Veer. Initially, he slept on the sofa, but seeing his discomfort, I asked him to join me on the bed.

I study his peaceful morning face, a stark contrast to the walls he's built around himself, walls that he's let only me breach. I remember the nights he spent by my side while I was in a coma, recounting our childhood memories, apologizing over and over again, blaming himself for my condition. I knew it wasn't his fault. He told me everything was pre-planned, that Mia was behind it all. She never left me alone, not in college, and certainly not here. When I returned from the hospital, Maa told me how Veer visited the temple every day, praying for my recovery. That brought a smile to my face. He's done so much for me. I wish I could reciprocate his love. A tiny spark of hope kindles in my heart. Maybe I could love him again. For his sake, I'll try. He's been through so much; he deserves happiness too.

I've kept it a secret that the physiotherapy is starting to help. I can walk with a little support, and after a few more sessions, I'll be walking perfectly. Only Mahir Bhai knows about this because he's always there with me during therapy. The day I was able to walk without support, he bought me a whole pack of butterscotch. He's the brother I always wanted.

"Why are you smiling?" a sleepy voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see Veer, his eyebrow raised in question, his eyes sleepy, his hair tousled. He looks adorable. "Nothing, I was just thanking God for all the people in my life," I reply. He kisses my forehead. "Let's get you ready. You have therapy today," he says, helping me up and leading me to the bathroom.

He sets me down on the counter next to the sink. "Here," he says, handing me a toothbrush with toothpaste already applied. I smile at him. "Thank you, Mr. Singhania." "You're welcome, Ms. Vaid," he replies, returning my smile.

"Here are your clothes. Get ready. I'll be outside," he says, leaving the bathroom. I get dressed in a white frock and let my hair down. I climb down from the counter, holding onto it for support, and look at myself in the mirror. "Inayat, are you ready?" Veer asks from outside. "Yes," I reply, climbing back onto the counter. I haven't told Veer that I can walk because I love when he carries me everywhere. I love being in his arms.

As Veer helps me with my sandals, I can't help but express my gratitude

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As Veer helps me with my sandals, I can't help but express my gratitude. "Thank you," I say. When he asks why, I simply reply, "For being there for me when I needed you most." His response is immediate and heartfelt. "Always."

Our moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Veer goes to answer it, revealing Mahir Bhai on the other side. He greets us warmly and brings in the wheelchair I had requested. Veer looks at me questioningly, but I nod at him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yes," I confirm, and Mahir Bhai helps me sit on the wheelchair. It feels a bit strange, but I'm planning to surprise everyone tonight. Mahir Bhai had agreed to help when I asked him. "Let's go," I say, and both of them nod.

As we drive away from the hospital after my therapy session, Mahir Bhai asks, "Inayat, do you want to tell everyone tonight?" The doctor had given me the green light to walk, but I would need to use a cane for a few more days to avoid putting too much pressure on my legs. "Yeah, I will tell everyone. Everyone has done so much for me, especially you and Veer. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to walk again," I say. His response warms my heart. "You're like my little sister, Inayat. I would do anything to make you happy, even if that means standing up to Veer." I can't help but smile at his words.

As we arrive at the Singhania Mansion around 5pm, Mahir Bhai offers me his arm for support. I take a deep breath, gripping his arm with one hand and my cane with the other, and nod.

Mahir Bhai rings the bell, and the main door swings open to reveal Niya, all dressed up in her Navratri attire. Her face lights up when she sees me, but her expression quickly turns to shock. "Oh my God, Bhabhi!" she exclaims, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. I almost lose my balance, but Mahir Bhai steadies me. "Niya, don't jump on her," he cautions. "Sorry, Bhabhi. I'm just so happy you're able to walk again," she says, her smile wide. "Let's get you inside," Mahir Bhai suggests, and I nod in agreement.

As we enter, everyone in the lobby stands up and turns to look at me. Their faces reflect a mix of emotions. "Inayat," Maa says, coming over to me and cupping my face. "You can walk," she states, her voice choked with emotion. I nod in response. "I'm so happy for you, my child," Papa says, patting my head. Dadu also expresses his joy, his eyes welling up with tears. "Finally, God answered my prayers. I can't bear to see my Inayat sad. I know how much you loved dancing, and when you found out about your legs, I could tell how devastated you were. I'm so happy for you," he says, giving me a light hug. I hug him back, and when I pull away, I see a tear trickling down his cheek. "Why are you crying, Dadu? Stop crying, or I'll start crying too," I say, wiping away my own tears along with his. "I'll make Inayat's favorite food today," Maa announces, heading towards the kitchen.

"Where is Veer?" I ask Maa. "He's in his room. He'll be overjoyed when he sees you like this. Go show him that his Inayat is back," Maa advises. I nod in agreement. "Let me help you climb the stairs," Mahir Bhai offers, holding my arm as I grip the railing and begin to ascend the stairs.


*wipes sweat from forehead*  khush to bahut honge aap double update jo mil gya.

I like 'Dashan raval version more of this song but Arijit is golden singer' 

so how will Veer react when he will see Inayat walking again?

jan ne k liye padthe rahe  'INAYAT' by your Author.

900+ reads for next update. 


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