Chapter Eleven: Lafew

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The seven Knights and Lafew boarded the plane, driven by a family friend of the Fair who was uncharacteristically silent.

"He doesn't know about the Noblesse," Tranio whispered to the others. "Think of him as some sort of butler."

Lafew might have thought of the sword manservant first, for he knew the Fairs used to employ at least one servant, but he decided not to say it.

The little plane was small compared to the usual ones, but not much bigger than, for example, a private jet. It was hard to assess the dimensions as Lafew had never flown before. Still, the Knights took seats next to each other.

"I like being part of this," Art said. "The Knights. It's the total opposite of the Noblesse. It's like a secret society everyone knows about. So I can feel part of something clandestine, and brag about it."

"Isn't that the dream?" Tranio asked sarcastically.

"One of the many," Art replied. "Hey. Totally unrelated, but didn't King Arthur's Knights get a lot of ladies?"

"Well, here the ladies are part of the Knights," Viola replied.

"I'm not sure working alongside the person you like increases your possibility to get to make them like you," Lafew replied, trying not to look at Tranio.

"I assure you it does," Art said dreamily.

"Great, now we know you like one of the three girls on the plane," Ursula replied, half-amused.

Lafew took a pin, and pinned it to Tranio's sweater. He didn't like how the Seer did everything to act friendly to the Knights but still not concede himself to be part of them. Lafew had trouble opening up too, but this was a bit much. Tranio didn't comment.

The plane left them in the right area of York, which was near the cathedral.

"I've never done this," Lafew said. "Crossing over a ley line inside a building."

"But is it?" Gratiano asked. "Inside the building?"

Tranio nodded absent-mindedly as he was preparing to measure the energy on the ley line with only the help of his magic and a little battery. He was done much quicker than he used to, the year before. Back when his magic was still keeping the memory of his mother alive.

"We can cross now," he said.

Crossing over the ley line was simply walking from a place to another, but commonfolk would never see where the line exactly was and they didn't know when the moment was correct. Besides, without a Seer and the correct tools, they couldn't gather energy. Even a sleeping line needed a little energy.

When they crossed over, the first thing they did was exit the cathedral again. Now, it was easy to see the city of York was the parallel one. There was no one on the street.

"So," Lafew said, gulping. "Does anyone want to tell me what exactly we're supposed to do?"

Tranio looked a little annoyed, in that moment. Lafew remembered he wasn't used to joining their conversation with the same enthusiasm as the others. Maybe he was hurt that once upon a time it was him and Lafew, taking on the lines together, and now Lafew was sharing his quests. Well, if he wanted it to be the two of them together, like Arthur and Merlin, all he had to do was ask.

Gratiano looked around. "Peretti told us we have to retrieve a certain box with two serpents tangled on the lid. It should be inside a castle in a sea."

"You know how magic is," he added, when he caught the desperate looks of the others. Technically there could be a castle, waterfalls and even sea inside a line even if it started on a city. Especially with the help of a Seer because they helped clear the sight. Still, it was much to take in.

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