-Chapter 5- (Power Figuring Out-ing)

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I held up my wrist, 'Is this really necessary?' I asked Tails, who was putting a small tracker on me.

He looked at me, 'It's for your safety. In case Infinite manages to capture you, we'll have a way to know where you are and if you've been captured. We'll have tabs on you so that way you don't fall into the wrong hands.' He smiled, turning it on.

This is stupid as hell. Why did I agree to this?

Because we need Shadow dead.  Nine's voice said, which makes me shiver every time I hear Tails' and Nine's voice similarity, Unless you're not up to the task, in which we'll gladly retrieve you.

I sighed, 'Okay, so I have powers- what are these powers?' I asked out loud.

You don't. That was a bluff. Nine mumbled, I flinched, stopping myself from yelling WHAT out loud, But- don't worry, we programmed the chip with some powers thanks to my handiwork. 

Like what you kitsune wannabe? I hissed in my brain, but before Nine could answer me, Tails interfered.

'We'll have to figure that out. We should most likely pair you with people who do have powers like Silver, Shadow, and Blaze so you have people who have powers to train with.' Tails explained.

'Blaze?' I asked.

'A cat from a separate dimension.'

I thought I heard Tails wrong, 'Say what now.'

'Yea.. It's a little confusing.' Tails rubbed the back of his head, and he looked up, 'Silver, what are you doing?' He asked. I turned and looked where Tails was. Silver was floating up in the air, playing with a small ball that made a ringing noise whenever he tapped it. Silver seemed to be mesmerized by the ball.

'Look at it...' Silver mumbled, almost in a trance. 

The powers that you have- Nine's voice popped up in my head again, Are the ability to manipulate and control other people's emotions and how they act towards people or things. You can make them hate or fear something or change their favorite food. It was something Mephiles said would be fun for you to use.

Great. How does it work? 

That's for you to figure out.

I growled, 'Silver. Come down from there.' I demanded. Silver didn't listen, still in a trance. I looked around, finding a charger block. I grabbed it and threw it at Silver. 

It hit him right in the eye, he fell out of the air, along with the ball, 'Ow!' he whined, hitting the ground with a thud. Silver looked at me with a sad glint in his eyes, pouting, 'You're a meanie.'

'Oh boo hoo.' I grabbed the ball, holding it away from him, 'So- let's just figure out what power I have and how to use it, I guess.' I looked to Tails, who nodded in response.

'But how do we figure it out?' Silver asked, walking up to beside me.

'Maybe have Tails invent something to figure it out.' I mumbled sarcastically. Tails' ears perked up.

Fuck. He heard that. 

'That's not a bad idea, Y/N.' Tails' face lit up, 'You'd surely have to give me some time, but I'm certain I could pull that off!' He spun his tails around, slightly being lifted up into the air.

'Seriously?' I asked, 'You know-'

'You were being sarcastic, I'm aware, but never doubt Miles Prower!' He smiled.

This optimistic behavior is so... bizarre. 


'I'm boreddddd.' I whined, laying down on the couch.

'Well, just because you're bored doesn't mean you get to watch T.V. all day.' Amy told me, holding the remote above me.

'You're such a party pooper.' I grumbled, shoving my face into the pillow.

'Listen, we've let you get settled, but you're in danger. You need to learn how to use your powers.'

'We don't even know if Infinite was telling the truth.' I sat up, looking Amy dead in the eye.

Amy sighed, she sat down next to me, 'That doesn't matter if he was telling the truth, we're going to help you learn to fight for yourself. And you need to learn how by going out and learning with us, not watching T.V. shows with well animated fight scenes.' 

There was a knock on the door, Amy and I both looked to it, 'Come in!' Amy smiled.

The door swung open, Tails ran in, waving a small device with a needle thing, 'Y/N! I've made it! We can finally know what your power is!'

'Oh, perfect timing!' Amy clapped. Tails went to me and showed us the device.

'Basically, I need your blood, and it will take a total of five minutes to register the type of power that is inside of you!' Tails explained. I sighed and held out my arm, looking away. Amy held my opposite hand and squeezed it, letting me know I'm okay. I felt a small prick at my forearm, and I winced, hissing in pain.

'And now... we wait.' Tails said. 

A/N- Let me know if I'm portraying the characters how you'd like them to be portrayed. I'm trying to go for a mix of Sonic Boom and Sonic Frontiers, (minus knuckles, he gets to be badass all the time). Thank you!!

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