-Chapter 8- (Give Shadow Food)

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I walked to Shadow's cave (yes it's the cave from Sonic Boom I should've said that in chapter 1 lmao), holding a bag of coffee beans and a spoon in one hand.

'Shadow!' I called as I entered the cave, 'I brought some food!'

He wasn't in there. 

I crossed my arms, 'Fine. I'll just be stubborn.' I walked to a rock and slumped down onto the cold floor, placing the food next to me.

I heard something almost immediately, I turned to the entrance, hoping it was Shadow.

'Shadow?' I asked.

'What.' I heard his grumpy voice. I smiled, waving.

'I brought you some lunch!' I grabbed the food and ran over to him.

He just looked at me funny.

'Uh- it's me. Y/N? You know... the one who has powers but can't figure it out yet because Infinite said I do and I'm friends with Mangey?' I said quickly. 

Shadow took a moment, 'Yeah, I know you.' He snatched the food from my hands, walking past me.

I just smiled, Probably should've expected that.

'Uhm.' I turned and followed him inside the cave, 'I wanted to ask, how come you're always trying to be by yourself?'

He sat down on a rock, reaching into the bag. I sat down on a different rock, not too far from him. 

He didn't respond, but I still sat there awkwardly.

'Shadow. Listen, I don't want to bring up how I met Mangey because of a personal thing. Surely you'd feel the s-'

'I have no care for it anymore.' He interrupted me, 'I understand.'

I hesitated, then gave a thumbs up, 'Ooookay! I'll just go then...' I turned to the opening of the cave, starting to walk out, 'Have a great day, Shadow.' I smiled.

As I walked through the forest, I thought of my mission, How the hell am I supposed to kill him? I asked myself. I slowed to a stop, looking up at the sky, Clouds were starting to cover up the sky, and it looked like a storm was coming.

I felt a presence behind me, 'Shadow..?' I turned around.

'Aw, close.' Scourge chuckled, his sharpened teeth flashing a much more egotistical grin than Sonic's. 

'The fuck are you doing here, broccoli?' I hissed, crossing my arms.

'I think you mean- 'Aw, Scourge, my favorite hedgehog!'' He walked closer to me, adjusting his jacket slightly.

'My favorite is Metal.' I looked at him suspiciously.

'That technically doesn't count.' He pointed out.

I rolled up my sleeves, 'Get the fuck away from me.' I didn't move, showing I wasn't scared of him. Scourge stopped, chuckling lightly.

'Now, now. No need to be so rude.'

A low growl came from my throat, 'I said leave me alone.' My fists clenched tightly.

Scourge looked me up and down, 'Okay. I'll just stay right here and tell y-

'I SAID.' I lifted up my fist, 'Leave. Me. Alone.'

Scourge simply laughed, 'Come on, sugarplum. Try and hit me.' He held out his arms in a victorious way, showing no sign of fear.

I growled, 'It's not worth it.' I muttered under my breath, 'You're too weak.' I turned on my heel and started to walk away from him, 'After all.' I started, 'You always were the most cowardly of the bunch, weren't you*?' I asked Scourge, turning to look at him.

He growled, 'Don't try to mess with me, Y/N.'

I felt a surge of wind behind me, and I couldn't turn fast enough as my chin collided with Scourge's fist. I felt a pain jolt from where he hit me, quickly spreading across my jaw. I fell into the base of a tree, screeching in pain. I forced one eye open, trying to ignore the pain.

'I'm a force to be reckoned with. And you? Nothing. Nothing is special about you.' Scourge laughed at my sudden weak state, his green eyes piercing into my soul.

I hissed though my teeth, 'You. Can't kill m..me.' I barely choked out. Blood splattered onto my hand where I was holding my jaw. 

'And why not?' He crouched down to my level, his hand reaching for my neck and wrapping it around me. I felt my limp body being held up against the cold bark of the tree. 

'Because... m-'

'HEY!' A voice interrupted us. Scourge simply glanced behind his shoulder, seeing Silver and Amy. 

'Y/N!' Silver called out to me.

I felt a deep rage fill inside me. No. I don't need help. Not from anyone. I can do this on my own.

'Are you okay?' Silver asked me.

I gave a weakened smile, even though it was probably obvious I wasn't okay.

Scourge laughed, 'So, the A/T is so pathetic that she can't do this on their own? Gotta drag everyone else into their mess, I see.' He tightened his hand, 'Another step, heroes, and I snap her neck. If you try to use your telekinesis, I'll kill her even more painfully.' He pointed at Silver.

I growled, feeling that boiling rage need to come out in some way. And I knew just how.

*'You always were the most cowardly of the bunch.' - Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid Season 4 Special)*

(A/N) HELLOOOOOO My good readers! I hope you enjoy this cuz I will be poting the next chapter ASAP!!!

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