-Chapter 17-(How To Defeat)

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He placed me on the couch, 'Sonic should be grabbing everyone. Is there anything I can get you?'

I sighed, 'No... it's. It's fine.' I hissed in pain, grabbing at the back of my neck. The searing pain flared up, and I wanted to scream, 'Hah.. now I'm useless. Don't have my dagger and I have no powers.'

'What-?' Shadow asked, leaning against the wall.

'Nine programmed the powers into me so that way you guys would keep me for longer.' I mumbled, 'So- now that the chip is gone...' I trailed off, 'I'm useless.' I chuckled.

'Here.' Shadow tossed me something, and I quickly caught it. I glanced at the dagger. The one he had originally taken from me, 'It was dull. I sharpened it while you were with Sonic.' He avoided my gaze.

'He was helping me.' I said, tucking the dagger into my pocket.

'Yeah- sure. You two make a cute couple.' He looked at me, tilting his head to the side slightly.

I blinked, 'What-?'

'Isn't that what you're supposed to say?' He asked.

'Sonic and I aren't dating. We're just friends, I swear.' I shook my head, 'Did you think we were dating, Shadow?' 

His eyes widened, 'You weren't?'

I snickered, then started laughing, 'You thought we were?' I wheezed.

He coughed, now clearly embarrassed at the thought that he assumed we were, 'I'm not really into Sonic, I am looking for someone, though.' I chuckled.

He sighed, 'Apologies for assuming, I suppose.'

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye, still chuckling at the unexpected turn of the conversation. 'No need to apologize, Shadow. It's just amusing that you thought Sonic and I were a couple.'

He crossed his arms, a faint scowl on his face. 'Well, it's not like I care about your personal life or anything. I was just making an observation.'

'Sure, sure,' I teased, I crossed my arms over my chest. 'So, who are you looking for, anyway? Anyone I know?'

He averted his gaze, seemingly uncomfortable with the question. 'It's none of your business, really.'

'Fair enough,' I replied, sensing his reluctance. 'Just thought I'd ask. We all have our mysteries, right?'

Shadow nodded, his expression softening a bit. 'Yeah, I suppose so.'

We stood in a brief, awkward silence before he changed the subject. 'Anyway, we should focus on the task at hand. The enemy is still out there, and we can't afford any distractions.'

I agreed, the laughter fading as we returned to the more serious matters at hand. 'You're right. Nine can notice any minute. By the way, thanks for sharpening the dagger. I'll pay you back in some way.'

Shadow nodded with a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Don't mention it. Just don't expect me to make a habit of helping you out."

I gasped, 'Shadow The Hedgehog? The Ultimate Life Form? Smiling at me?' I asked playfully. He rolled his eyes.

Sonic came back, 'Okay, everyone's on their way. Want to start explaining, Y/N?' He sat down next to me.

I sighed, 'I suppose.' I leaned back against the couch, 'The earliest memory I have of being part of that group is when Infinite found me. I was holding Mangey, I think, and Infinite took pity on us because of how I was cursing someone out. I'm assuming, from other memories I've gained... it was you, Shadow.' I looked up to him, and he quickly looked away in guilt.

Tails entered the room as I continued, 'He brought me back but was surprised to see Mangey, so he tried to pry open universes and found Nine, Rusty Rose, and Chaos Sonic.' I explained, 'With the Paradox Prism's power, Infinite's a big threat. However, he wasn't able to do just that..' I trailed off, 'Infinite kept on claiming that when he was inside the test tube while gaining his Phantom Ruby powers, he saw someone who looked far too similar to Shadow. Along with Nine's smarts, they managed to bring forth someone who I've never heard of.' I looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

'Mephiles The Dark.'

'And how much does he look like me?' Shadow asked, I looked back to see he was standing right in front of me, towering over me.

I shuddered, 'Uhm.. instead of red stripes and stuff, they're more teal. And his eyes are green. And uhm... he doesn't have... a mouth. But he can speak. And also- apparently, that's not his actual form.' I leaned back, covering the back of my neck with my hand.

'Interesting.' Sonic said, I looked around, and everyone else was already there.

I nodded, 'Infinite made a copy of Metal Sonic, so that way Chaos Sonic had someone to butt heads with. Then he made copies of the Babylon Rogues so we had someone to spy. And Scourge. Infinite and Nine taught me how to fight.' I started to feel uncomfortable, 'And they wanted me to kill you Shadow, since you didn't know who I was. I know that as long as Infinite even has a small shard of the Paradox Prism, we're no match for him.'

'You're right, Y/N.' An all too familiar voice said, I looked up.

Infinite stood in the doorway, a smile crept up on his face, 'You've finally started to rebel, and that will be your undoing.'

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