-Chapter 22- (The Final Battle)

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'Eight more weeks?!' I hissed, 'They won't wait that long. We need to strike now.' I insisted, punching my fist into my empty hand. All of the Mobians who wanted to fight, either part of the Resistance, or the Freedom Fighters, couldn't wait for my body to heal. It had already been three months since I had first gotten injured and we had been preparing and preparing. But I knew that Infinite, Mephiles, and all of the others wouldn't want to wait another second to see dark red blood pour from their hands.

I forced myself up, Nine and Amy placing out their hands as if to warn me that I should rest, 'I'm not useless. Just because I'm injured, doesn't mean I can't fight. Get everyone here.' I insisted, Nine hesitated, then turned, his metallic tails forming around the smaller fleshed tails to protect them.

I walked out of the wooden cabin, forcing myself into the lush, green forest. I could see Gadget against a tree, the lonesome warrior who had fought alongside Sonic back when Infinite first reigned his terror over the world. His golden eyes flashed in the warm light of the afternoon sun, and he held several skilled wispons that he probably used regularly. 

Beside him were Whisper and Tangle, ones whom I had thought died. But according to Nine, when Rusty Rose 'killed' them, she just made sure they stayed out of sight of the assassin group since Nine didn't want to hurt friends of Sonic. Tangle was swinging from a branch with her tail, looking at Whisper, who had gathered wisps together to make quite a cute team.

I heard paws pad against the ground, and I turned to see an orange blur jump up to my shoulder. Mangey's warm pelt pressed against my cheek, and he let out a howl of appreciation. Some of the dirt had been washed from his fur, making it so bright like fire. He scrambled up to my head, his paws pressing my ears down.

Nine returned with metal tails swiftly clanking against the soft grass, 'Rusty said they were planning an attack within the next two weeks. They have her chained up since I still can give her commands and because she thinks for herself.' He told me, 'Got a plan?'

'Of course.' I chuckled, seeing a blip of green before the black and brooding hedgehog showed up a heartbeat before the blue blur and the future dweller themselves. Rouge propped herself down on a branch, crossing her legs over one another.

I inhaled deeply, 'Thank you, everyone.' I said as they all gathered around me. I felt pressure weigh down on my chest, I wasn't used to so much attention, 'We're in danger. I used to be part of a group of assassins, who believed that the world would be better without heroes. I've spent time with... so many of you, and I know that the world is perfect as is.' 

Nine gave me a warm smile from the corner of my eye, and I continued, 'I have a plan to stop who remains within that group, and I may not be able to fight in it, but I trust every one of you.' I clasped my hands together, 'Alright, everyone, please listen...'


I was sitting on a rock, looking out into the world that would soon, possibly, become destroyed. I was aware we couldn't win, and that was okay. As long as my plan went through, I didn't care.

A sound came up from behind me, "Ah... Y/N. The little traitor." A raspy voice chuckled, I turned to look around at Scourge.

"Oh, hey." I smiled, "Didn't know they trusted you to be the one to kill me." I stood up, clutching my chest. 

"Killing would be too simple, princess." He tilted my chin up. (Cries in 5'3)

"I'm not a girl." I hissed, slapping his hand away.

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