-Chapter 9- (I did WHAT now-)

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As if I was reaching into a lake, trying to find the bottom of it, even though it seemed like I would drown from how deep it was. I felt like my lungs would burst, begging me for air. Finally, I could feel the cold ground. Finally, it felt like I could relax.

Scourge screeched out in pain, stumbling back from me. I landed on the ground, blood trickling down my neck and my hand. Scourge held his eye, seeing tears mixed with blood seep through his fingers.

Amy and Silver were most likely stunned by shock, but I couldn't care less. I looked at Scourge, watching the rage fill the one eye I could see. I lifted up a hand as if I were a zombie.

Scourge slowly walked backward, almost afraid of me. I stepped towards him again, which made him turn on his heel and sped away.

Nine POV:

I smiled at the results on my laptop, 'Perfect.' I typed in some coding, 'Y/N has finally unlocked their powers. It's taken a while, sure, but it seems that our plan gave them the right motivation.' I said aloud. 

A robotic voice startled me, 'You sent a fake.' I turned to see Rusty Rose. She was standing by Scourge, who seemed pissed at me.

I chuckled, 'If you find the right way to motivate someone, it's easy to get what you want.' I said, 'I told Mimic he-'

Scourge grabbed the collar to my shirt, pulling me in close to his face, 'And why make him go as me?' I placed my metal tails on the ground, lifting myself slightly above Scourge.

'It would make the most sense. Infinite has already made an appearance, which is more social attention than he wants right now. Mephiles is supposed to also be dead, and the rest of us need to lay low.' I moved a tail to Scourge's hand, forcefully prying it off my collar, 'And, for a much better bonus, the target managed to see the whole thing.' I smiled.

Shadow POV

I stared in shock at what just happened. I was holding the glowing Chaos Spear in my hand, about to throw it at Scourge. But Y/N intervened. She was injured badly, but she managed to stand and somehow fend off Scourge. 

Y/N collapsed, but not onto the ground. Amy ran and caught her, 'Y/N!' She cried. I huffed and let the Chaos Spear disintegrate in my hand. I turned on my heel and started to walk away.

Something's wrong. I can't put my finger on it... but something is up.


Ah yes. Waking up after I did something badass. The best way to live.

Silver held my head while Amy wrapped me up, 'She's waking up..' Silver mumbled.

'Thank you, Captain Obvious.' Amy said sarcastically, she seemed very stressed out.

I reached out to Amy, pushing her off of me. I grabbed the bandages and tried to take them off.

'I'm fine.' I insisted.

Amy stopped, 'No, I don't care how many times you say it, you're bleeding, and just because you're learning to defend yourself doesn't mean you can't accept help from others.'

I silently stood up, 'I have to finish something, please. Just trust me for this.' I looked at Amy and Silver. 

Amy hesitated, 'Alright. But just let me finish bandaging you up first. Scourge hit you pretty good.'

I sighed, 'Fine. How long have I been out for?' I asked as Amy walked to me and adjusted my bandages.

'About an hour. We had Tails run a diagnostic on you. You used your powers on him.' Silver smiled at me, 'Sorry we couldn't do anything.'

'It's okay.' I mumbled, 'I can protect myself when the time comes.'

Amy smiled, 'Alright, you're all patched up! Be careful. Do not get hurt anymore.' She told me sternly. I nodded and ran out of her house.

'Hold it, A/T.' I heard the voice.

'Shadow-?' I turned to see him standing beside me, 'Do you need something?' I asked.

'I happened to witness that fight between you and Scourge. Something is wrong, and I can't tell if it's between you or Scourge.'

'Probably both.' I muttered, 'I think... I used my powers. Which sucks cause I have no idea how I did it.'

Shadow seemed suspicious, 'It seems that way, but you also had a different aura about you. It's like you knew Scourge personally.'

Well shit. I sighed, 'Okay, okay. You got me there. I'll tell you that part of my life.' 

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