Part 21 ~A deal is made

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Tuesday afternoon I got an unexpected visit from August. I was sitting out back with Trixie and the twins. Because of my meeting on Monday, this was the first time seeing them since we had lost Lulu-Belle. Also because of that, I'd decided that there would be no chores for today. I thought that being down at the barn would dredge up far too many painful thoughts. As it was, I was surprised that Trixie had come at all. After speaking with Claire Sunday evening, I'd been given the impression that I might not see her for a few days.

I'd brought out a board game with the intent on keeping things quiet for our visit and was just setting it up when August came round the side of the house. My heart leapt when I saw him. It was so unexpected. As usual he looked well put together. Professional. He was wearing one of his suits, however he had removed the jacket and rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up, probably due to the heat. While the October nights had been cool, its days had been unusually warm for the time of year.

Immediately Trixie leapt up to meet him. She was soon followed by the boys as she threw herself into his arms. I smiled as he caught her. He still wasn't used to their exuberance, and I liked watching his reaction.

"What are you doing here?" Not that I wasn't happy to see him. As I rose to greet him, I took a chance and reached out to grab him by the shoulders before pulling him into me for a brief hug. Immediately his smell wafted over me, and my heart thundered in my chest. I quickly released him. It wasn't that I wanted to, but immediately my wolf wanted more. So much more.

He frowned at me. "Didn't you call the office? I had a message to meet you here for five, something to do with the case?"

I shook my head as I pulled out my phone. It was a quarter before the hour. He must have gone to work and left as soon as he received the message. "It wasn't me." Immediately I was on edge. Who the hell would masquerade as me to set up an impromptu meeting with August? It didn't make sense. I glanced at the kids. If something was about to go down, I didn't want them anywhere near it.

"Hey. How would you guys like to stream a movie?" I gave them my best there's-nothing-going-on-here smile. I was immediately met with suspicion by one and oblivious cheers from the others.

"Wait. Screen time?" Trixie's brow crinkled. "I thought we only got screen time when it was raining." Yeah. She was a sharp one.

I opened the screen door to usher them inside. "Well, that way I can have some alone time with August. You wouldn't mind that, right?"

She was still eyeing me warily as she made her way inside. "I guess not. Does this mean we get popcorn as a snack?"

I nodded. "Sure thing." Anything to appease her. I immediately reached for an oversized pot. I dropped in the kernels, salt, and a tablespoon of ghee. I popped corn over my gas range while I stared out the window towards my neighbour's property. When it was finished popping, I distributed it between three bowls and passed them out.

With the movie set up to distract them, I sat at the kitchen table with August. My eyes were still trained out the window. It was already five. The time when August was set to arrive. It wasn't for another fifteen minutes until something happened.

As we watched a troupe of people began to make their way towards my back porch. They had come from out their back door, and quickly headed across the property line. August and I stepped out on the porch. Miranda Tremblay led the way. Behind her was Stella, her arm firmly gripping the elbow of a younger woman who looked to be resisting as they made their way towards us. Behind Stella, five more ladies continued like this with a younger person on their arm. Behind this initial group was what looked to be the remainder of her coven in a much less orderly fashion.

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