The Midnight Gala (2) Part 37

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When I came out of my room, Naomi was already waiting for me in the kitchen. Since I was planning on staying the night with August, we had, and by we, I mean she, had decided that she would be driving, and therefore we would be taking her car. Which was why she was picking me up instead for a change.

"Oh, my Goddess. Caleb, you look brilliant. I mean, I knew when I chose the jacket and waistcoat that it would suit you, but I am cheerfully gobsmacked by exactly how good you look."

"Do you think my guy will like it?" I did a turn for her in the middle of my kitchen at her behest. I had wanted something other than a basic tux. I imagined that being the Godson of Henry Fyne he had been to more than one black tie event, and I wanted something that would catch his eye. So, Naomi and I had gone shopping, and what we had come up with was a black coat and slack, white tuxedo shirt and an eye-catching vest with a gunmetal print. Naomi had even taken a swatch of the fabric as she went dress shopping.

She squealed suddenly and with a huge smile, threw her arms around me.

"What?" I couldn't help but grin. Her enthusiasm was over the top.

"Aww... You said, 'my guy', I don't think I've ever heard you speak about him like that.

"Ah, well yeah." I dropped my eyes as the tops of my cheeks grew hot. At some point that fact had become cemented in my mind. Perhaps it was the night I had met Henry. I couldn't be sure, but with that assertion, came a confidence I hadn't had before. I no longer felt that he was out of reach, or that I had to keep chasing him. I now knew that as long as I gave him the time and space he needed; he would always come back to me.

She reached up and took my cheek in her hand. "He will love it, darling. I dare say, you look prettier than me."

"Now that's not possible." I took her hand and spun her around. The bodice of her dress was sexy and form-fitting, and her skirt had the perfect amount of twirl. "You woman, are gonna turn heads."

Thirty minutes later we were stopped outside the hotel. There was a separate entrance for the event and valet parking for the guests.

"You know, I could drop you off and park in back." We were stuck in line as we inched our way forward towards the podium.

"Nonsense. When else are we going to be invited to such a snazzy gig. I'm taking advantage."

"Well, someone certainly is." I said as I watched the couples emerge one at a time. "You realize you have to tip these lads."

"How much do you think?"

"For an event like this? At least a ten-spot."

"Really? That much?"


She snapped her fingers at me as we pulled up to the podium. "Well, fork it over."

I groaned and dug into my inner pocket where I had my money clip and my phone. I pulled out a bill and handed it to her just as the attendant opened my door. Stepping out, I waited for Naomi to join me.

"Ready to knock 'em dead?" I offered her my arm.

"Absolutely." She slipped her hand into my elbow as we headed into the hotel.

Inside I had to hand over my invitation, and in return they pinned a red carnation to my lapel and a similar corsage to Naomi's dress. We were then free to head into the party.

Almost immediately Naomi disappeared to the ladies' room, leaving me to wander down to the bar at the far end of the room.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender, a large guy with muscle to spare, asked as I took a seat.

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