HTD# 2

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Before we proceed let me tell you about the timeline for our story! So this happens before SWF2 and pandemic which means it happens in 2019.

For their conversations, Mauve's responses or questions or any comments will be in bold and italicized.


First lesson.

Fridays are fun days. It's the day you feel excited about because it's the gateway to the weekend. But... Bada just signed away the fun of Fridays 4 days ago with a deal of giving private lessons to a deaf girl. And today is the dreaded Friday.

The past few days has been a hurricane for Bada. Before the contract was even set, her schedule was already packed for the last few days for dance academy lessons, she had some workshops as well and choreographing dances for k-pop artists and oh she also had to shoot a dance editorial. That was why they had to set the first meeting with Mauve today, Friday.

To be honest she almost forgot about today, which is undeniably so unprofessional of her. If it wasn't for Tatter reminding her drunkenly last night she wouldn't even remember it. Bada's mind played the flashback in her mind when Tatter's loud voice announced about the faithful day while drunkenly leaning on her, while she reached and rung the doorbell of the western inspired estate.

"Loook who's excited to teach her first private lessons for a deaf girl!"

Bada remembered how she let Tatter fall face first to the ground suddenly after she realized that tomorrow's Friday and she hasn't done any research on how to teach a deaf person how to dance or how they even listen to music in the first place! This was a disappointing behavior in her part. Really disappointing. But hey, she can't delve into regret now. All she has to do is move forward.

Now with the ghost of her hungover lingering in her body she stood in front of the Jung residence, which was indeed very near the dance academy as Mr. Jung said before. She has nothing on her brain but those high lighted sentence she saw on google

'deaf people are capable of dancing through feeling the vibrations of music and careful counting'.

That answer relieved the surface of her panic because that means there is a possibility for her student to learn how to dance. It might take up some time but the goal she has set here is to atleast teach the kid all the basics of dancing. Well that still falls in hopeful thinking rather than a goal but she believes that's better than not having any goal in mind.

"Let's do this."

She whispered to herself as she saw a familiar man walk down towards the gate. Once the gate was opened the two of them bowed to greet each other. The things that followed that was a blur to her by then. Because her head still suffers last night's fun. If only the fun was the only thing that get's left behind and not this raging hangover that would be amazing!

Bada did try her best though to be in the present. Exchanging small talks with her client's father.

"Mauve wasn't actually able to sleep. She was too excited she said."

"Oh I'm afraid she'll get tired easily today."

She said with an awkward laugh in the end while Mr. Jung only chuckled.

"Yes. I'm afraid so."

"By the way sir, where is Mauve?"

"She upstairs on the studio, cleaning probably, that's where were going."

He said while leading her around their house. The place was minimally decorated with frilly lamps, ballerina statues, paintings or portraits. It looked and felt... how does she say it, girly? But it wasn't the type that was overly done, just the right type of frills and pastels on cream walls.

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