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The drive took roughly 20 minutes to arrive at the address that Bada said. After she has paid the cab, she guided Mauve into an apartment building. Their hand gently clasped. They then rode the elevator to the 15th floor silently.

They've been nothing but silent since earlier at the cab. Well for starters Mauve can't or won't speak rather and Bada is suffering with a banging headache that was caused by alcohol then worsened by their running.

But now that they are in the elevator and their images are reflected on the elevator door's shiny surface, Bada has recovered her sobriety and has realized what she did. Fuck.

Did she just kidnapped– no this isn't kidnapping, Mauve came with her willingly. She tried so hard to reason out silently in her head while the elevator ascends to the floor.

The elevator seems to be moving much slower than Bada remembered. Its making her impatient and restless specially with the guilt now creeping up in her chest. Right about that moment, she wished she was tipsy again so she could blame everything to the alcohol but unfortunately she's now sober.

Bada glanced to the girl beside her.

Mauve was silently looking at the red digital sign at the top of the elevator doors that told which floor they are in. She's dressed lightly in black cropped shirt and cream colored lightweight cargo pants. Aside from the pants, it was new to Bada to see Mauve in a dark color like black because she's used to the pastels, frills and uniquely textured clothes.

She looks kind of edgy with her choice of shirt and with her hair loose. The edgy vibe is broken though once Bada saw Mauve wearing inside house slippers in vibrant lavender.

Her mind made an abrupt break as she took in the realization that she's been wearing inside house slippers all this time? They ran and all, and that's the only stuff she wore at the time?

Bada's guilt doubled. She wanted to tell Mauve that she should just piggy back ride on Bada's but by then the elevator made a bell-like sound and its doors open meaning they have already reached the floor.

The hallway that leads to Bada's apartment was quiet. Only their breathing, the sound of the soles of their footwear can be heard, then the beeping sound of the digital lock of Bada's door.

"Come in."

Bada's voice was small and quiet as she invited Mauve in. The girl bowed first and then left her slippers before entering the apartment.

Bada went ahead and entered her apartment, leading Mauve into the cozy living room.

"Sit down for a bit I'll just... Uhmm... Would you like some water or juice?"

Bada stammered as she invited Mauve to sit on the couch. Maybe it was because Mauve haven't taken her eyes off her since they entered the apartment. But really, the girl is just making sure that she sees what Bada is saying. For Bada though it felt new again being under her careful gaze. It feels like the first time they met. That first session.

Bada pulled herself together and focus on Mauve's response but the girl was just looking around the living area, seemingly searching for something. Then it hit her, Mauve doesn't have her phone. The girl literally has nothing with her not even a pair of proper shoes.

Bada quickly reached for her phone in her pocket and opened it to go to the notes app. She then handed it to the waiting Mauve.

"Here you go."

Bada waited patiently for Mauve's response as the girl softly taps on the screen.

I'd like some water please.

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