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Mauve Loviel Jung. Korean name, Jung Sa Rang. Daughter of a Korean business man and a retired French ballerina, Chontelle Belmaire. Born in France but she grew up in South Korea.

Mauve wasn't born deaf. She was a hearing healthy baby when she was born. When she reached 2 months old she started to be a fussy baby, always crying. There was once a whole week when she hadn't stopped crying and her parents didn't know what to do. They went to the hospital, doctors ran some test. They couldn't find out what in the world was wrong with Mauve, one thing was for sure she must be in unbearable pain.

The doctors wasn't helpful, they just gave the couple prescriptions after prescriptions of medicine. When one of those medicine did not worked they would stop giving it to her. She was already in enough pain, they didn't want their daughter to develop another illness.

No parents could ever bear their kid in pain, they were also in pain as their daughter. Then one day Mauve just stopped crying. She was back to being healthy, heck she was even a bubbly baby. But then Mrs. Jung noticed something again.

Mauve doesn't listen to her. She was as stubborn as she was bubbly. Mrs. Jung thought she raising a bad kid who doesn't listen but then, Mauve doesn't listen to anybody. She seems to look like she has her own world all the time. They went back again to the doctors and this time they found out the most painful thing they've heard.

"Sa Rang has been deaf for quite sometime now. Seeing her record, yes, she was hearing at birth but it seems she have lost it. Was there any history of the baby hurting her ears? Or something being inserted there?"

"No doctor, she didn't hurt herself. She just... She was always in pain before."

Through a series of more tedious tests they were able to find out why Mauve became deaf.

"Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct or EVA. Sa Rang must have experienced constant dizziness despite lying down. This might have caused discomfort to her thus all that crying that you said. She appears to have felt it for 3 long months. EVA might have been caused by hereditary causes or simply the part in her ear that holds fluid responsible for her to have normal ear function did not fully developed due to some abnormalities in the genes."

Despite her disability, Mauve grew up well. She was a bright child, bright as the sunshine as her mother used to say. Even if she didn't spend the rest of her life growing up with her mother at the age of 10, Mauve didn't lost that sunshine in her.

At night when she's asleep she would dream about dancing. That's one thing her mom left her. The love for dancing. When she was about 18 years old, she saw her first ever dance competition. She was just dragged their by her cousins, it was supposed to be the worst night she could remember but then Bada made it better.

She grew up with ballet, it was graceful and beautiful and yes it was hard to learn ballet and painful. But her mom danced ballet, it was automatic for her to love it. Seeing Bada dance the complete opposite of that elegance captivated her though.

That night was clear to her as if it only happened yesterday. Mauve was standing directly across the stage she already hated being there but when the strong vibration of the bass played and coursed through her body Mauve's world paused at the moment and darted her eyes on the stage. Bada was at the center of the formation and although it must have just been Mauve's imagination, their eyes locked. Bada's eyes flared with passion, while her's glistened with fascination admiration.

After the whole competition, she dragged her cousin to the backstage where she saw Bada disappear to. They won the competition. Once they reached the backstage Mauve immediately saw her tall stature. She really stood out among the crowd around her.

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