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"I am happy."

Bada whispered to herself while she imitates the sign language for the phrase from the book she bought last time.

"Oh? You're learning sign language?"

Hyein comes in to the dance studio where Bada decided to spend her time learning sign language.

Bada was so focused with what she was doing that when Hyein spoke to her she shuddered in surprise. Hyein only laughs at her reaction.

"Yeah. I want to surprise Mauve."

"Awe that's sweet."

Bada proudly smiles. They were about to continue on their conversation when Mauve noticed her phone displaying a notification of an incoming message. The name of the sender was Mauve.

"Oh Hyein I'm sorry I have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting Mauve."

Bada replies as she multitasks with wearing her jacket then her sling bag.

"It's Saturday."

Hyein pointed out.

"Yeah well we're also meeting on Saturdays to practice for the competition."

"You're so busy with that competition. Howl's worried you know, he said you haven't updated him with your concept for the upcoming recital."

Bada paused after making sure her book is safely kept inside her bag.

"I'm working on it I promise! I have to go now. Bye!"

She replied and then off she ran to their meeting place which is a park a few blocks from the academy building.

When she arrived she saw Mauve already waiting, sitting on a bench near a covered mini stage while looking around.

Its already the second Saturday of them meeting for their practice. They decided they should meet extra to dedicate for practice. Bada didn't want to spend their precious lessons on just that and still want Mauve to learn what she should learn.

She was also the one who suggested they practice outside for a change of scenery. She has to train Mauve to get out of the comfort of the studio and to the outdoor setting. The competition will most probably be held in an open area and the vibration from an enclosed area might be different from an outdoor setting so here they are in the park.

Bada waved her hand to make her presence known to Mauve. She was walking towards her direction. When Mauve spotted her, the girl stood up to wave back, her lips stretched to a smile while also hopping. She's like a dog welcoming her owner. Its adorable.

"You're so hyper."

Bada said once they were already face to face.

I was just warming up.

She wrote on her phone which was paired with a pursed lip smile and raised brow that was moving up and down.

"Okay if you say so. You ready?"

Mauve smoldered while nodding and tapping on her chest. What a way of saying 'of course'.

Preparing for the competition placed quite the pressure for the both of them but Bada's happy to see Mauve staying positive and energetic. At this point she can say that all the self-doubt Mauve had in her mind has already disappeared, she's so driven and focused on practices but she smiles all throughout.

They have been progressing with their choreography in a faster pace. They actively collaborate on the steps to add. With their lessons and practices, Mauve was now able to catch up easily on with the counting which also helped with their progress.

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