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10 AM in Just Jerk Academy instructors office.

"As you all know by now, we'll be having our recital for our students this year."

Howl started their meeting.

"What's going to be the twist this time?"

J Ho asked.

"Well of course the focus are the students finishing their program but this year we think it'll be nice to also involve us, the teachers."

Howl said.

"So it's going to be like this, there will be a part of the group presentation that will be directed by the assigned teacher to the group. Its completely up to you to decide what the concept will be."

They all nodded in unison. There were also other matter discussed during the meeting. After that they went to teach their classes or if they didn't have any scheduled classes they went to attend their personal matters.

For Bada, she'd be hanging out with Tatter at her place.

Before she left the building Howl called for her back to the office, said they'd have to talk about her schedule.

"What's up?"

"Oh its about your schedule with Mauve. You told me you'll start seeing her regularly starting this week as your schedules already clear. 3 meetings per week for the next 4 months as per contract."

Howl reminded her. Bada nodded and just remembered about the original set up. It was just put off for the past 2 weeks because of Bada's schedule being full.

"Well it's already monday, I can't do MWF anymore."

Bada spoke her thoughts.

"Well you can do Tuesday then continue meeting on Wednesday and Friday this week or just skip into Wednesday and Friday, then go full regular by next week."

Howl suggested while leaning in on the table.

"I'll just start option A."

"Alright then, I'll call Mr. Jung and tell him to expect you tomorrow."

"That'd be great. Thanks for reminding me by the way."

"No problem. See you around."

They bid goodbye.

A while later Bada and Tatter reached the apartment. While Tatter prepared the snacks, Bada was hanging out in her room rummaging through Tatter's shelves that contains a mix of books, photo albums, and song album. While doing so, she noticed a headphone by the end of the shelf near the window.

She reached for it and tried putting it on. It didn't had any wire so her initial impression was it was an ear protector against the cold. With the head phone on Bada heard nothing, not even the gentle buzz of the traffic outside. It was completely silent. She wondered if it was the headphone or the road outside was really empty, so she peeked through the window and looked.

She found it weird how there are cars and motorcycle passing by but she can't hear them. Bada takes the headphone off and was about to inspect it when she felt a tap on the shoulder.


Bada's breath hitched and skipped while she also went stumbling backwards in shock. Her breathing was heavy and her heart thumped, it made her instinctively place a hand above her chest.

She didn't hear Tatter came in so she thought she was alone!

Tatter laughed at how easily scared Bada was, not to mention her reaction was funny! Should've whipped out her phone to film it!

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