Chapter One ~ Library

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(image by on ig)

Regulus Black: Tuesday 2nd September 1975

"Reg, sort something out for me. If Evan has never liked a girl before-".

"-which isn't true-" Evan interrupted.

"could he be gay?" Barty finished. Regulus looked up from his book, glaring at Evan and Barty. He had been peacefully reading before they stormed into the common room, and Regulus was beginning to wish they'd go back to where they were before.

"No, Barty," he replied. Barty opened his mouth to speak but Evan got there first.

"Exactly, Barty, now will you please leave me alone!" Evan huffed, going upstairs to the boys' shared dorm. Regulus and Barty watched him go. Regulus waited until Evan was 100% out of earshot before he said:

"if you want to figure out if he likes you back, you're going to have to find another way,".

"what?!" Barty cried. "that's not what I'm doing I just... I wanna know who he likes,". Regulus shrugs.

"say as you please, Barty, I don't believe you,". Barty sighed and left regulus, going up the same stairs as Evan. he was disappearing around the corner when regulus decided to go to the library and get a new book. the book he was reading was boring him. not only that but he needed to distract his mind. he couldn't stop thinking about the summer. about sirius. or rather the lack of sirius. his parents had been fuming when they discovered he'd run away and regulus had suffered the brunt of their anger. he could still feel the scars on his back burning. not that that bothered him but it was the fact that his brother had-


he wasn't supposed to think about it.

upon arriving at the library he saw someone sitting at his usual table with at least 5 textbooks open infront of him and an essay spread out over the middle one however he didn't appear to be writing it, rather his head was down on the table and a quill was discarded on the floor beside him. regulus rolled his eyes. of course on the second day back there was a student studying. as regulus slammed down his book, opposite the student, his head shot up and he rubbed his eyes.

Remus Lupin.

Of all the people it had to be his brother's friend. Regulus knew alot about the boy from Sirius who talked about his friends alot. but mostly Remus although he didn't think Sirius realized he was doing it. regulus studied remus for a few seconds and then cleared his throat dramatically, trying to wake Lupin up better.

"this is my table," he said, sliding into the chair opposite Remus. Remus raised a perfectly sharp eyebrow, leaning back on his chair and folding his arms.

His arms. Muscular. Veiny. Slightly freckled, and just as Sirius had said: beautiful even though regulus could only see his hands and forearms.

"I don't see how you can claim tables in a communal library," Remus said with a smirk.

"I don't see how you can claim sleeping spots in a communal library either," said regulus, folding his arms and leaning forward on the table. remus smirked, copying Regulus' movement. regulus couldn't help but let a small smile cross his face. this close up he could see small golden flecks in remus' eyes that glowed from the sun pouring in through the large windows.

"seems like we need to clear some air, black,".

" what?!".

"you speak to Sirius," remus said, clasping his hands. "and i'll do whatever task or assignment you're currently struggling with,". regulus raised his eyebrows attempting to not let Remus see how the mention of his brother made his heart rate drop.


"done,". they shook hands and Remus stood.

"same time tomorrow. but only come with your essay if you've spoken to Sirius. and I will know if you have,". regulus rolled his eyes.

"consider it done, lupin,". remus nodded, smiling, the gold in his eyes shining before turning and leaving the library. he didn't take any of the books with him nor did he take the quill or the essay. regulus leaned over to see the essay but the parchment was empty. he had only just sat down with a new book when suddenly a loud bang came from the front of the library and regulus whipped around to see none other than sirius' best friend.

James Potter.


"Mr Potter!" yelled Madam Pince.

"sorry, madam Pince," potter murmured sheepishly.

"I've told you time and time again to stop running in here," madam Pince grumbled. potter nodded, plastering that stupid obnoxious grin on his face.

"won't happen again," he assured her. regulus then watched in horror as potter approached him, grinning.

"how are you regulus?" he asked, collapsing into the chair opposite him. regulus stood immediately.

"if Sirius has sent you to check on me then tell him I'm fine,". hurt crossed the other boys features.

"no, he hasn't. I just care to know," potter murmured. he too stood and began gathering the books and placing them back on random shelves. regulus watched irritated.

"potter, that one is a care of magical creatures book and that is a book on dangerous creatures," regulus snapped. "they don't go on the same shelf as a book on the moon cycle,". potter raised an eyebrow, a smirk crossing his face.

"where does it got then, Royal Highness of the Library Shelves,". regulus glared at him and snatched the books from him and placed them back on their correct shelves. he attempted to place the last book on its correct shelf but given that lupin was alot taller than him, regulus couldn't reach. just as he was about to give up and put the book on a random shelf, there were warm, strong hands on his waist and he was lifted swiftly into the air. he swallowed a scream.

"I could see you needed some help," came potters voice from below him.

"I don't need your assistance, potter! put me down!".

"swallow your pride and put the stupid book away," potter laughed. regulus obliged although he couldn't think of anything he'd rather do.

"put me down now," regulus snapped. potter lowered him but he didn't remove his hands from Regulus' waist. and-


regulus could feel his heart beat quicken as potter leaned down to talk quietly in his ear:

"sorry, are you alright?". regulus jumped away from potter, the shock causing the other boy to release his otherwise strong grip on regulus.

"don't ever touch me again," he snapped. and with that regulus snatched up his book and left the library, ignoring the feeling of potter watching him as he left.

1975 ~ JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now