Chapter Sixteen ~ History Repeats

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James Potter: Sunday 21st October 1975


"James. James are you awake?". James opened the curtain to allow Sirius to clamber in.

"Yeah. Are you alright? you've been a bit off today," said James, reaching for his wand to cast a silencing charm.

"i... no. I have to tell you something. It's something I've been wanting to tell you for ages and I haven't plucked up the courage to because well... I thought maybe you'd hate me for it and then we couldn't be best mates anymore and-".



"Just tell me!". Sirius took a deep breath and looked away from James.

"I... I like Remus,".


Sirius glanced at James out of the corner of his eye who was staring at him with the biggest grin on his face.


"Well... yeah? I mean, I decided if I told you I liked him, I could kill two birds with one stone. So I just... yeah,".

"Sirius that's incredible!" James exclaimed. "So why have you been avoiding him like a pixie all day?". Sirius rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Just don't want him to figure it out," Sirius mumbled. James nodded though there was something about Sirius' eyes that told him he was lying.

"I can understand that completely," he said. "But you know, the more you avoid him, the more suspicious he's gonna get and I know that he actually seems really down about you not talking to him anymore,".

"James, hes not down about anything. I asked if hes fine and he said yes so im sure everythings fine," said Sirius, sighing. James rolled his eyes.


Sirius suddenly grabbed ahold of James' hand.

"Oi James, what did you and Lily talk about!" he asked, excitedly. James was taken aback for a moment.

"How do you know we talked?" asked James, the topic of Remus completely forgotten. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about that, I just need to know what you talked about!" Sirius cried. James flushed.

"Wasn't anything serious I just... broke up with her,". Sirius paused for a moment.

"You what?...".

"I broke up with her. She likes someone else and I just... aren't really into her anymore,". Sirius gasped.

"But you've been obsessed with Evans since first year!" Sirius cried."

"Oh well. Guess it was time to move on," said James. Sirius raised an eyebrow, staring directly at James.


"You're not fooling me, James Potter. I know you too well. You like someone else," said Sirius.

1975 ~ JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now