Chapter Fifteen ~ Breakup

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James Potter: Sunday 21st October 1975



"Did you talk to Lily?". James remembered in the Library when he'd seen Regulus about 20 minutes before. And he'd hugged Lily infrnot of Regulus. Regulus already knew the answer to his question before James had even opened he mouth. After a long pause, Regulus continued.

"If you don't talk to her I'm not talking to you,".

"Reggie that's not fair!". Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Life's not fair Potter, maybe if your parents hadn't raised you like you held the earth in your hands then you wouldn't think life always goes the way you want it to," Regulus said. He stood up from the bed and began to walk to the door. But James couldn't just let Regulus leave. Because what if Reggie never came back and James lost him forever. What if in this exact moment he could fix everything. He'd just have to find the right time to end things with Lily.

"Reggie, wait!" said James, grabbing a hold of his wrist. Regulus snatched his wrist away.

"James I said I'm not talking to you," Regulus grumbled.

"But I'm talking to you!".

"but I don't want to hear it, Potter fuck off,".

"You say that everytime and yet you stay, please dont change now,". Regulus paused.

"What do you mean?" He asked, folding his arms. James sighed.

"You always used to tell me to go and away and get off you but you never actually made an effort to get away of get me off you. And im just asking that this time you make that minimal effort again," James explained. He tried to not let Regulus' evergrowing scowl discourage him but it was hard.

"You really think i like you that much? Potter, i dont make minimal effort doing anything," Regulus snarled. James sighed.

"How about you come with me," he suggested. Regulus raised an eyebrow. "To find Lily, i mean. So you know ive actually done it and she might understand better why im breaking up with her if she can see i clearly like you more,".

"Like me more? Well thats not very true is it? No one ever likes me better than anyone and hogwarts will have to be deep in merlins balls before someone does,". Said Regulus. James looked around.

"What does deep in merlins balls look like? If it's got blue on the outside and some white things around the surface then I think we're there," He said, a small smile on his face. (A/N: had to clarify, he means the sky and the clouds) Regulus didnt laugh. He did however, get this glint in his eye that told James it took everything in his being not to. Then Regulus rolled his eyes and began walking out again.

"Wait, Reggie!". Regulus ran his fingers in frustration through his jet hair before turning back to James.

"What the hell do you want, Potter?".

"Take this,". James tossed the invisibility cloak at him. Regulus snorted but took it anyway.

"Im not saying thank you if thats what your waiting for. I got up here didnt i, i can get down easy enough," he said. Then he left the room, cloak still tucked under this arm. James was curious but he didnt follow. He instead went to his bed and collapsed onto it back-first. How was he ever suppoused to get Regulus to talk to him again? Well really the answer was simple.

1975 ~ JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now