Chapter 6

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I only came to this meeting with Celestia because because she's my friend's future wife and she better be beautiful and I want to get to know if she will be able to handle Andrew.

I sat down at the cafe and waited for about ten minutes when a lady in business woman wear entered the cafe.
She looked around for someone as soon as she spotted me she seemed a bit hesitant then I think she walked to me.

She looked at me for a moment and smiled, "You must be Katli right?"
I smiled and stood up to shake her hand, "Yes that's me, who's asking?"
Sha sat down and answered, " My name is Celestia McKenzie."

Well I must admit that she is beautiful and gorgeous and all the good things a man wants in a woman.

She ordered milkshakes for both of us and promised to pay the bill, I couldn't refuse because why not?

The waitress brought our milkshakes and I thanked her as she bowed and walked away.

"So, you are really beautiful no wonder Andrew is your boyfriend cause he's also handsome. For you ofcourse." She smiled.
I choked on the milkshake and coughed while she stood up to help me.
"Did I say something wrong or you just don't know to use a straw?"

I pushed her away and a waiter brought some water for me and as I drank I struggled breathing then finally breathed perfectly.

Celestia sat down and looked away, "I choked because you said Andrew is my boyfriend when he's actually not my boyfriend but my friend from the past."

She looked back at me and raised both her eyebrows in confusion, "But... I thought..."
She shook her head, "Nevermind."

I thought she would apologise but she didn't even do that.
"So Katli right, How do you feel being single?"

I rolled my eyes,"I feel great Celestia infact I feel over the moon."
"Exactly my point!" She smiled brightly, "I feel free to do anything I want without anyone waiting for me at home and anyone getting jealous over any man I see or talk to."

I see where she was trying to go but acted confused.

"What do you mean?"
"Do you want to give love a chance?"
"Ofcourse I do."
She smirked at me, "You and Andrew come a long way so why don't you...."
"I'm not doing that Celestia."

I put the milkshake away as her smirk faded, "But, you know you can tell him that you like him then you guys date then I won't have to get married to him." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "No way Celestia I'm not going to do that."

She looked defeated then pulled a pitiful face and started crying, "Ohhhh I know you hate me but please do me this one favour please just do this for me and you I know you love him and-"

"I don't love Andrew, I won't love him even if he was the last man on earth okay!?!?" I shouted.
I was really getting annoyed by her assumptions and useless thoughts.

She wiped her tears, stood up in anger and took her bag.
She looked at me with arrogance filled in her eyes, "I tried doing the best I could but you don't want to help me. Fine I will agree to this marriage but I don't promise you that Andrew will be able to handle me or this silly marriage trust me." She said in anger.

She left some money on the table and walked away.
Phew there goes Satan himself oh no, herself.


✨ Celestia ✨

I quickly rushed to my car and the driver got out and opened the door for me.
I entered angrily and rolled my eyes at Angie as she took my bad and gave me water to drink.
I opened the window and inhaled the fresh air as it cooled down my anger.

Angie smiled at me in hope, "So, how did it go?"
I glared at her, "What does my facial expression tell you right now?"
She gasped on shock as she figured everything out, "She refused!"
I nodded on frustration.
"Yes Angie she did and that aggravates me!!"

"Okay calm down. What kind of a person is she?"
Even thinking about her personality infuriates me more than the word itself.
"She acts like the world revolves around her, maybe like a princess or a billionaire."I rolled my eyes at the thought of that.

Angie laughed and smiled, "You know, you just might have described yourself indirectly."
My eyebrows furrowed, "Angie do you think that Maybe I should hire someone in and fire you?"

"No Mam if you do where will you find someone like me?" She pouted.
I rolled my eyes and looked the other way, "You are so overconfident."
"It's a good thing right?"
"Of course it is so that when your husband or boyfriend tries calling you ugly, disgusting or breaks up with you you can hit them with the 'you won't find anyone like me' line."

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