Chapter 10

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I looked directly at my mother in sympathy as I knew that that she didn't want any of what my dad wanted for me.
I sat across her in the London household as she just looked blankly at me.

Esther came from her room with some wedding dress suggestions from the dress shop found in town and smiled at both me and my mom then sat down next to me.

I hid that fact that I hate white wedding dresses I'd rather wear another color instead of white and Esther couldn't seem to get that fact into her head.

"What do you mean Celestia?"
I slapped my forehead in disbelief, I just told her a couple of times and she still never understood what I was saying.

I held her right hand and smiled in the most friendly way possible to make her understand, "Mrs London I don't like white dresses you couldn't catch me dead in one."

She laughed it off as if I joked and fine then I was irritated. I rolled my eyes and sighed at her.

"Oh so you want another color right?" She asked.

" Yes please. I was worried you wouldn't understand-"

"It is traditional to wear a white dress to your wedding Celestia."

You haved to be kidding me!!
My mom came to sit next to me and took the book and closed it then suggested to make some coffee but I refused.

"Oh Sofia please make your daughter understand that white dresses are do nice and it would fit perfectly into her beautiful body figure that my son will even go crazy."

I gagged at the thought of Andrew drooling over me and Fyi that's just disgusting.

"Esther maybe since she's the bride then she has to decide, I mean it's her wedding after all."

"I don't care I'm planning the wedding so I also have a say in this don't I?"

I opened my mouth to talk but she shut me up with her finger pointing at me, "Celestia I'm calling the dress seller and telling her that you want a white dress and that's final."

"Mrs London you have to be kidding me!! I don't want a wedding dress then."

I stood up and held my head in frustration as she gasped.

"What do you mean? You can't get married without a dress darling." My mother questioned me.

"Mom I never asked for a white wedding and if you had asked me for consent to go ahead I would have refused because I never asked for this !!"

Mom looked at me in disbelief and I could see the disappointed look on her face after I spoke.

Esther stood up and held both my hands trying to ease the frustration but I just pushed then away and firmly turned around and walked to the door.

"I don't want a wedding all I know is that the necessary thing that needs to be done is a wedding certificate and nothing else."

"But I had already sent out wedding invitations Celestia." Esther cried.

"I never asked for that Mrs London and you used your own money so you will sort that out yourself, now excuse me but I have a meeting to get to."

I opened the door and exited.


I entered my room and layed peacefully on the bed without any doubts and worries about myself. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled as I took my phone to check if any human being sent me a message, text or called me to my surprise a certain human being actually did.

Melody McKenzie my brother's twin sister actually had the guts to call me while I was at The London household.
Don't get me wrong she was also my sister just that she acted superior to everyone in my family looking down on everyone and eloped with her husband-boyfriend and their pregnancy.

I wonder what she wanted from me...

I called her twice and there was no answer so I gave up and drifted off to Dreamland.



What a wonderful day to be handsome and healthy and also to drink some hot chocolate made by yours truly. One sip turns the world into a dream.
Today I planned to go training just cause my body felt like doing that.

"Andrew!!!" A rascal scream my name.

"Alex isn't it too early for you to be screaming my name?"

He ran to me panting with my phone in his hand, "Your dad has been calling you I think for like ten times already."

"Thank you man you can go back to whatever Yoh were doing."

He frowned and grabbed my hit chocolate and smirked, "Don't mind if I do."

I sighed and called my father.

"Hello Dad-"

"You ungrateful human being your mother has created a pool of tears in our room and something tells me you are responsible and for try to deny it because I will do whatever it takes to make you feel the same pain as her!!! Do you hear me Boy?"

"Dad can I just explain to you?"

"It better be a reasonable explanation boy."

"I honestly don't know why mom is crying I didn't go to her yesterday and I last talked to her a week ago."

"You have no shame Boy maybe that's why she's crying due to missing you you idiot!!"

Ok maybe that was true because my mom really loved me and when I bought my own house she cried for the whole week before I left. But Dad managed to speak to her and made her understand that I needed to be independent.

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