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I roll over on my bed, tossing the book I was reading to the side and reaching for my phone. I lift it to see Scott's smiling face.

"Hey," I say, answering the phone.

"Hey," he replies. "What's up?"

I shrug. "Just reading. What about you?"

"I'm playing some video games with Chris," he says, making a shiver run down my spine. "He's beating me pretty bad. I need you over here."

I roll my eyes like I roll off of my bed, walking to my closet. "Ugh. Today was supposed to be my lazy day. I was hoping for these sweat pants to become like a second skin," I pout lazily.

"Just come in them," Scott says. "Nobody's here. It's just Chris and I, why not?"

I gulp, paling at the thought of showing up in sweats. But then again, I shouldn't mind. Scott was right-it was just Chris and him. I shouldn't have to worry.

So, with that, I tossed my hair over my shoulder and grabbed my car keys, walking towards the door. I pulled up my gray sweatpants and straightened my shirt as I called to my mom that I was going to Scott's.

"Okay, have fun," she called, waving me off as she threw some clothes into the dryer.

I hop in my car and drive over to Scott's house, finding the front door unlocked. I let myself in, climbing the stairs and entering the game room. I walk in, seeing the backs of Scott and Chris' heads.

Chris' head swivels around, seeing me standing there. "Hey," he says, and then pats the empty chair next to him. "Come on in."

I warily walk into the dark media room, the only light coming from the bright TV screen. I take a seat in the chair next to Chris, immediately regretting wearing my sweats.

Chris sends me a quick glance before returning his eyes back to the game. "You look cute," he says, but I can't tell if he's teasing me or not.

I roll my eyes, trying to hide my blush. "Oh, shut up."

"No, no, no!" Scott screams as Chris pumps his fists in the air in victory.

"Ha ha, loser," Chris says to him, doing a little happy dance in his chair. Scott pouts, standing up and throwing his controller down.

"This sucks," he groans. Then, his eyes catching me, a smile grows on his face. He bends down and grabs the controller, handing it to me.

I glare at him. "Come on, I only came to watch."

"No, no, but Charlie," Scott pleads, getting down on his knees in front of me. "You have to beat him! You're the only one who can!"

I shake my head, crossing my arms. "No, Scott. I won't."

"Yeah, she's too scared," chimed in Chris, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"Scott, don't let the boyish name fool you," he says, making a very weak hit at my nickname Charlie. "She's doesn't want to loose like a little girl."

I turn to Scott, a surge of confidence running through me charged by anger. "Hand me that controller."

Scott whistles. "That's my girl," he says, a giddy smile on his face. "Now kick some ass!"

He pecks me on the cheek before going back to his chair, his feet tapping happily on the floor. I smile at his goofiness before turning my focus to the video game.

"What? No!" screams Chris, slamming his controller into the floor. He turns to me, outrage, surprise, and amusement in his expression.

I grin victoriously, twiddling the controller in between my fingers. "Hate the game, not the player."

Chris turns to Scott, wide-eyed, his jaw hanging ajar. "That's my line! That's what I say when I win!"

"But you didn't win," I point out cockily. "Therefore, I have been granted the right to use the term. Which only winners use, by the way. Because I won."

Maybe I was rubbing it in his face a little, but I was enjoying seeing him like this: vulnerable and upset.

Scott laughs hysterically, slapping his knee. "Wait, don't go anywhere. I have to get this on camera or mom won't believe me."

Scott races out of the room, leaving me and Chris alone. Chris stood his arms crossed, staring down at the TV in disappointment.

I stand up with a smile, walking towards him. "Chris Evans," I say. "You have met your match."

Chris looks over at me, and despite his loss, the corners of his lips quirk up. "Yeah," he says, looking at me. "I think I have."

I can't help but smile back, my suddenly cocky mood dissipating. And we just stand there, for at least a minute, smiles on our faces and not another care in the world.

Internally I was cursing myself. Chris and I could not keep meeting up like this. He is a great guy, I know he is. Heck, I've known him since I can remember.

I remember when Johnny Jenkins teased me at the bus stop, and Chris insisted on walking me down there everyday for two whole months.

I remember when I fell off of my bike and scrapped my knee and Chris carried me home and put a band aid on my cut.

I remember my first break up after my first real relationship when I was fifteen-the guy cheated on me-and Chris handed me tissues and offered to beat the guy up.

Chris has always been there, and he's always acted like an older brother. But whenever he was present, I just had a rare form of electricity run through my body.

"Chris," Scott's distant voice from the downstairs yells. "Randy is here for you."

Chris sighs, glancing at the door then returning his gaze back to me. "Good game," he says.

"Yeah," I reply, biting my lip. "Good game."

I reach up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, but Chris beats me to it, his gentle touch combing back the strand. I start to blush.

He starts to withdraw his hands, but as he pulls away, he leans over to peck me on the cheek, making my blush rage.

"See ya," he says, grinning crookedly at me before jogging out of the room.

"Yeah," I mumble to myself, since Chris left the room. I have to sit down to regain my composure and let the reality of what just happened soak in. "See ya."

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