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For what seemed like the first time in forever, I was in class. I was so used to skipping class with Chris, and that morning, I found it incredibly hard to stay awake.

Luckily, though, I had Scott in my second morning class, and he was more than enough to keep my eyes open. There were two kinds of people in the morning: the kind that could barely function (me) and the kind that functioned too much and too fast (Scott). It was almost like he used the last of his energy like the end of the gas tank, and I gave him thirty minutes before he passed out.

"What time did you get to bed last night?" I asked Scott as I stifled a yawn.

Scott bobbed up and down slightly in his seat. "I don't know. Around one? Maybe two. No, you know what, it was three. Definitely three."

"Jeez Louize," I mumbled sleepily, pulling my textbook out of my bag.

"What time did you go to bed?"

"Unfortunately, two," I replied with a sigh. "Chris...kept me up."

Scott leaned forward in interest. "Oooh," he said curiously. "So have you guys, like, done it yet?"

I slapped his arm. "No!"

"But you want to?" Scott asked me, narrowing his eyebrows.

I blushed a scarlet red. "No!"

Scott gave me a pointed look, and I exhaled.

"Okay, maybe," I said, embarrassed. "But I'm not stupid. I'm not going to risk getting pregnant and getting in a situation like Dani."

Scott's eyes widened. "You know about Dani?"

"Yeah," I said. "I finally broke him down to tell me. God, I feel so stupid for listening to Parker."

Scott rested a comforting hand on my back. "You didn't know."

"Well, now I do," I huffed, blowing a piece of hair off of my forehead.

Scott looked down at his hands. "You know he leaves in two days."

"Shut up," I said. "I don't want to think about it right now."

"I know. It makes me sad too," Scott said with a frown. Then as if remembering something, his eyes lit up again. "Hey, did Chris tell you that we're driving home tomorrow to visit Mom before he leaves?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "No. He didn't."

"Come with us," Scott said, then he smiled. "You just have to promise you'll monitor when you kiss Chris on the road because we can't afford more stitches."

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him. "I'd love to come but my parents are in New York on a business trip."

"Stay with us," Scott suggested. "It wouldn't be the first time you stayed the weekend."

I scoffed. "Suuuure. You're mom would totally let me stay now that Chris and I are together."

"Actually..." Scott said, his cheeks turning pink. "Mom doesn't know."


"Chris hasn't told her," Scott explained, looking guilty. "And he told me not to tell her."

I felt my curiosity start to rise. "Why would he not tell your mom about me?"

Scott raised his hands in surrender. "Hey! Don't ask me! He's the one you need to get mad at."

"I'm not mad at him," I said. "Just a little irritated."

"Maybe he was waiting to tell Mom together," Scott offered, but I didn't listen to him. "But seriously. Pack your bag. Stay with us. Don't let Chris get in the way."

"Really?" I asked him. "Is it ok with your mom?"

Scott waved off my comment. "Dude, you're like a daughter to her. She wouldn't mind if you moved in!"

"Ok," I said, kind of unsure. "I'll come. Let me just text Chris to ask if he's ok with it."

"Why wouldn't he be?" Scott pondered aloud. "He's probably looking forward to the heated going away sex."

I looked up at him, disturbed. "What is with you wanting us to have sex? It's becoming weird, you know."

I shook my head at his goofiness, raising my phone again. I typed out a quick text to Chris as our lecture started.

A minute later, I got a response. I don't think it's a good idea for you to come.

I frowned at his text and discreetly turned my phone towards Scott so he could read it as the stern professor chatted away. Scott made a 'what the hell' face and I copied it.

Why not? I replied, biting my lip.

He was slower to reply this time. I just don't think you should go.

When I showed Scott the text, he shrugged. I sighed and turned back to my phone.

If you don't want me to come, I won't, I texted. That means this is our last night together :'(

I know, Chris replied. I'll make up for it ;)

With a smile, I rolled my eyes and set my phone back in my bag. Scott sent me a look with raised eyebrows and I shook my head. Chris didn't want me there so I wouldn't come. I had no choice but to trust him now.

Tiredly, I focused my attention on the professor, except I didn't think about what he was saying.

I thought about Chris, and what he was hiding from me at home. I knew his mother didn't know, but it had to be more than that, right?

No, I scolded myself. Stop it. You trust him now. He told you about Danielle, he'll tell you about anything.

Then I'll ask, I decided. Just survive through this hour lecture, and you can ask Chris what he's keeping from you this time.

As I thought this I couldn't help but groan.

What a happy, carefree couple we were!


This update took forever and I am so sorry. I know I suck.

Anyways, I feel bored with this plot. I have plans, but I feel like y'all are getting bored too. Let me know how you're feeling about this.


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