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"It was about two years or so ago," Chris started out. His voice was gravelly, his eyes watery as he started to recall the story. I sat on the bed with him, but I might as well of been on the floor from how eagerly I sat on the edge of the bed. However, it pained me to see him so distressed by this memory. I would've told him to stop, but I had to know.

"Do you remember Dani?" Chris asked, turning to look at me. I nodded, instantly remembering Chris' ex. She was probably my favorite person when they were dating. With thick dark locks and a smile so grand, she had such a fun-loving personality that we all adored.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of course. Why?"

"Do you remember why we broke up?"

I opened my mouth, expecting the answer to be automatic and just roll off of my tongue. But when I hesitated to speak, I realize I never did know why they broke up. She just kind of disappeared. I shook my head, wondering what Danielle could have to do with any of this.

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked away as he answered. "She was pregnant."

I gasped, not being able to help it. The minute that word left his lips, the questions formed on mine, the new information so fresh and so unbelievable.

"What? How? When? Wh-" I stuttered, trying to form a coherent thought. Along with the confusion, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the burning desire to punch him. How could he do that to her?

"Wait," Chris said, shushing me. "Just wait."

He grabbed my wrists that I was intending to hurl at him, trying to calm me down. And it worked, for he softened me by staring right into my soul, willing me to stop. Slowly, my breathing went back to its normal pace, and my heart did its best to calm itself as well.

Chris, noticing my effort to tame myself, continued. "It wasn't my baby."

"Oh," I said, instantly relieved. I exhaled, comforted by the fact. But once the realization wore off, a new one dawned on me. "Then who's baby was it?"

"I think you already know," Chris said, looking away.

As he said it, a certain pair of green eyes flashed in front of my sight, the devilish grin floating with the image as well. I inhaled sharply, everything starting to come together. "No."

"Yes," said Chris, his face grim.

"When you two were still together?"

Chris nodded, lowering his head. "She didn't know she was pregnant. She was feeling sick one morning so I took her to the doctor. We found out there.

"When we heard the news, I was happy," he looked up at me, his eyes wide and pain-stricken. "I was scared, but I thought that we could've made it work. I thought it was mine, Char."

Not knowing what to do but seeing him in obvious pain, I laid a hand on his back, rubbing circles soothingly into his shoulder blades. He exhaled at the touch.

"The night that we planned to tell my mom," Chris continued. "I had my friends over. We wanted to tell everyone together. Well, I did-Dani didn't want anyone to know. Parker was there. He was my best friend at the time.

"Dinner was ready. I helped set the table, my hands shaking I was so nervous. But it was the kind of nervousness where you were terrified, but there was an excitement to the fear," he said, looking down at his hands. "I went upstairs to tell everyone that the food was ready, and I opened my bedroom door to find-"

"Shh," I said, cutting him off. "You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry I brought this up." I reached over and took his hands in mine, lifting them to my face to kiss them.

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