chapter forty.

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frances was sitting comfortably on her couch with a blunt hanging off her lips as peanut cuddled next to her. she felt as if she had been waiting for vinnie forever, but still there she sat. waiting and waiting.

when the little tune of her doorbell echoed inside, she jumped to her feet, leaving her blunt on an ashtray on her coffee table. she walked over to her door and pulled it open. the smile wiped itself off her face and etched itself on the face of another.

it had been too long since frances had seen kendall face-to-face.

"it's so disrespectful that you haven't told me to come in." kendall grinned. "besides, i'm here to help you out."

frances shut the door behind her and stepped out. she crossed her arms over her chest and stood still. "what the hell made you so bold to come over to my house?" she questioned.

"trust me it was the least i wanted to do." kendall replied. "but, i knew you would just ignore my messages. also, this conversation might be better in person." she added.

"whatever. leave." frances shook her head.

"god, were you always this stubborn?" kendall rolled her eyes while digging inside her bag for her phone. she pulled it out, unlocked it, and then played an audio for frances.

"what's this shit?" frances asked but kendall shushed her and turned the volume up.

"i'm here." kendall's voice spoke.

"took you long enough." vinnie's voice was then heard in the background.

"are you going out?" kendall asked.

"going to see frances," he said.

"are you gonna tell her the truth?" kendall continued.

"not today." vinnie answered her.

"i think it's time. i'm going over to see her." kendall said.

"are you sure?"

"i'm sure. my image's been ruined enough. just one conversation with her and she won't ever be a problem again. believe that."


kendall paused the recording and then looked at frances, expecting her to say something. frances still had her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"was i supposed to react to that?" frances furrowed her eyebrows.

"jesus, you're so ..." kendall dragged then sighed. "it's over, franny. this little feud between you and i over vinnie is over. well, it never even started. it was all fake. you see, all along, vinnie and i were 'teamed' up. he was the one with the idea after all. he got tired of his little sister's annoying best friend. and hey, i think jasmine did too." she said.

"do you want me to clap for you? i know it's fake, kendall. you know why? because you're a manipulative liar. so please, leave, before you go through the embarrassment of having the cops drag you out." frances raised her brows.

"fine. you don't believe me? call him." kendall smiled wide before turning on her heel and leaving.

after making sure kendall had actually left, frances went inside and locked her front door. you don't believe me? call him. she absolutely hated the control kendall's words still had on her. she walked over to the coffee table and grabbed her phone.

she clicked on vinnie's contact and then the call button. however, instead of ringing, the call declined and dropped. she tried again, but the call was just not going through. she then opted to text him but at the very bottom in small red letters the words message not sent appeared. she tried instagram, but she wasn't allowed to send him messages, she tried twitter / x. hell, she even tried tiktok. none of her messages went through.

vinnie had blocked her.

estela's corner

i have a joão félix fan fic idea , would you guys read it?
i think it could be even better than this one because i just know it.

BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER,   vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now