Liam's Second Twitcam

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.:Liam's Second Twitcam:.

When I get home, the boys aren't sitting down in the dark playing Truth or Dare. I wonder what happened and can't help but wonder if they got tired and finished early. I hope that's the case anyways; I'd much rather it be that than someone getting hurt – like I keep telling Harry.

I shrug it all out of my mind and go on Twitcam on my laptop. I send out a tweet and then start it all up, smiling to test it out. Once it's all up and running I smile at the camera and the numbers start going up immediately. I wave at the camera and say, "Hey guys! I can't stay on long tonight because Danielle's coming over later."

aasann711: How are things between you and Danielle? Are wedding bells soon?

My cheeks turn red and a smile appears on my face as I think about my lovely Danielle. I bite down on my bottom lip and say, "Things between Danielle and I are good. She's here with me on the trip and we've been hanging out together a lot these past few days. I'm not so sure about wedding bells though. I guess we'll see what the future brings."

Harryscat69: Liam how're you feeling? The lads too?

"I'm feeling great! Things have been a bit confusing but I think everything is finally working out for everyone. The lads are good too, we sometimes part our ways but we always make time for each other at night to hang out and also, we usually eat supper together at this amazing restaurant," I smile.

Anonymous: What are your thoughts on Louis and Harry?

I frown a bit, kind of confused and surprised by the question. Then again, there are a lot of questions about those two. It's been that way since the beginning and they really don't do anything to prevent or lower the questions down. It's great that they're best friends but sometimes they just make it look like there might be more behind the friendship...

"My thoughts are that they're very close friends; their friendship is very strong and they tell each other everything," I explain to the fans and smile.

MissCaylen: Do you watch Youtubers, Liam?

"Sometimes," I reply and shrug. "I randomly go on YouTube and see what's popular at the moment. So yeah, to answer your question, I guess I do."

1DAttraction: What is your best memory with the guys?

I smile and think about all the memories I've had with the lads. There are so many memories that it's hard to just pick one. As cheesy as it sounds; every moment with them is my best one. They all count as something special inside my heart. I'm pretty sure that the vacation is becoming my favourite memory with the lads.

"I have so many," I admit sheepishly, answering the question. "But probably one of my favourites that really mean a lot to me, are all of the video diaries."

MashaTommo: What measures would you go to; to get the one you loved to love you back?

"Well I already have Danielle so it doesn't apply but I don't believe in chasing after people. If you love them, let them go and if they were rightfully yours, they will come back to you," I explain, probably sounding like a cheesy weirdo.

thelarryshipofdreams: If you could choose one other band member to feed you who would it be?

"Well definitely not Niall, because he'd probably just eat the food instead of feeding it to me," I laugh, thinking about my adorable little Irish friend. "I'd probably go with Harry because he wouldn't joke about it like someone – Louis ­– would and he also wouldn't think that I need him like someone – Zayn – would."

Truth or Dare [Larry Stylinson]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz