Chapter Four

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.:Chapter Four:.

"How is he not up yet?" a feminine voice asks.

"Even I'm up," a deep voice chuckles.

"Well we shouldn't bother him," a worried voice says.

"But I wanna have funnnn," a semi-high pitch voice pouts. A voice I'd recognize absolutely anywhere; my favourite voice might I add.

"You're Louis-donna and you wanna have fun?" the worried voice now says in an amused tone and chuckles.

There's a slapping noise, followed by an "ow" and an Irish voice saying, "Okay, no more watching Phineas and Ferb for you Liam, it's seriously beginning to creep me out how you know all these lines and quotes by heart!"

"Well, you knew it was from the show so look who also knows their Phineas and Ferb?" Liam snorts.

I groan and shuffle around in my bed a bit, burying my face in my pillow. There are so many voices and I just wish that they would all shut up so I can get back to my lovely dream and they'd let me sleep. I am – well, was – having an amazing dream and I seriously didn't want to wake up from it.

It's not often that I get to have an amazing dream, usually I just don't remember anything or it's just black. On the rare occasions where I get nightmares; they're bad. I end up not being able to sleep for the rest of the night so I'm tired as hell the next morning.

Usually my dreams are those three and I never get good dreams but this one was good. And it felt like I was actually there and it was real. And well since the dream was amazing, I wished that it was real instead of just my crazy imagination.

"How long do we have to stand here?" an Irish voice complains.

I suddenly hear some crunching noise and everything goes silent except for the crunching. Sounds of feet shifting their weight ring off in my ears and then the used-to-be-worried voice exclaims, "Are you seriously eating now Niall?! You couldn't have waited until we would wake Harry up and we'd all go out to that restaurant to eat?!"

"I was hungry and he still has to get dressed so it'd take another half an hour and I can't wait that long," the Irish voice pouts, making his voice sound like a cute little five year old.

Someone sighs and it goes quiet again – even the crunching has stopped.

"Louis, maybe you should wake him up," the feminine voice says again.

"Why me?! Why must I be the one to wake him up?!"

"Why don't you guys all just leave and let me sleep," I groan loudly into my pillow.

Everything goes quiet once more and I have a feeling that they're all just staring at me. I keep my eyes closed and hope that they'll listen to me and just leave. I didn't get to sleep until around one AM or so because I kept tossing and turning.

I always have issues getting used to new beds at first so the first night is always bad. I only got a few hours of sleep – which, I had an amazing dream during – so if I don't get to sleep more, I'm going to be tired and cranky all day.

"Yeah, not going to be happen Harry," the Bradford boy laughs.

I groan and bury my head under the soft, fluffy pillow. Unfortunately, that's probably my worst move yet.

The pillow gets taken away and I look on my side to see Danielle, Liam and Niall on that side. Niall smirks at me while Liam looks concerned and Danielle's simply smiling softly. I sigh and slowly sit up, rubbing my tired eyes.

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