Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to iwanttobewithlou

.:Chapter Six:.

"What are they doing?!" a worried voice hisses.

"What if this is more than a bromance?" an Irish voice asks.

"How about," I say and slowly open my eyes to see Liam and Niall in my room. "You guys be quiet or leave because Louis' still sleeping."

"Why is he in your bed?!" Liam asks frantically.

"He was scared of the storm last night and came to me for comfort. Now will you guys please leave, he had some trouble sleeping at first but he's asleep now so don't you dare wake him up! We'll be there later, I promise," I whisper to them, giving them a glare.

Niall sighs and rests a hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam turns to Niall and understands before they both leave together. I sigh and rest my head back down on the pillow. I realize I still have my arms wrapped around Louis' waist and I blush.

I slowly peer down and look at Louis' gentle face and smile. His hair still looks as soft as ever but sticks up a bit from tossing and turning into the night. His eyelids are closed, letting his beautiful lashes rest against his cool skin and his mouth is just slightly open; breathing softly and letting his chest rise and fall to perfection.

I sigh and gently run my thumb against his cheek. He looks so peaceful sleeping;  you'd never know he's a loud, obnoxious twenty year old who still thinks he's a kid and wishes to be like Peter Pan so he can stay young forever. Or should I say, forever young hehe.

I shouldn't be allowed to stare at Louis when he's this close to me; it's not safe! The things I want to do to him right now . . . – no, not those kinds of things – and it's hard to stop these emotions because they're so powerful right now.

I can already feel my head coming closer to his. My cheeks flush and my lips are only an inch away from his forehead. I take a deep breath and decide between two choices.

A)     I can kiss him on the forehead and be known as that weird forehead kissing guy should he wake up.

B)      I don't kiss him and just long to kiss him every night and regret not picking the first choice because even though it's risky; at least I'm taking a chance and I'll be able to feel his skin against my lips.

I decide to go with the first choice because Louis' a deep sleeper so if he wakes up, I'll be shocked. It's hard to wake him up; I once even slapped him on the face - not crazy hard or anything, just enough to try to wake him from his slumber - to get him to wake up but he just grumbled and turned away. I say him and Zayn are the deep sleepers out of all of us.

I slowly close the space between us and press my shaky lips to his forehead. His skin is so soft and so warm and it gives tingles against my lips once I make contact. I find myself smiling while still leaving my lips pressed against his forehead. Technically, it's not a kiss because my lips aren't puckered; I just needed to feel his skin against my lips. I don't know why I had the sudden urge, but I knew I had to do it and this was my moment.

And God bless I did. I let my lips linger for a little while longer before I slowly pull them away, with hesitation might I add. My lips immediately go numb and I sigh softly; shutting my eyes and just smiling at no one in particular. As rude as this sounds; maybe there should be more thunderstorms if this is what happens every time there's a thunderstorm. I wouldn't mind... hopefully Louis wouldn't either.

He slowly shuffles in bed and yawns; stretching his arms up before gently waking up and opening his eyes. Well, he did wake up after the kiss after all . . . cue the shock.

"Hey Lou," I whisper softly and smile at him.

"Hey Haz," Louis says and grins. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine," I smile, "the question is, how did you sleep? Were you okay?"

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