Future -Matt 💙

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Prompt: Y/N and Matt are in a long term relationship and lately Y/N has been questioning their future. Being overwhelmed Y/N cannot sleep, so Matt takes her to go for a drive and they talk everything out

CW: mentions of anxiety/ anxiety attack, little cringe, crying, kissing, some swearing

Y/N's POV:

Matt and I had a date night in our room tonight, we ordered pizza and watched our favorite movies in a blanket fort he created on the floor. After a while we cleaned up, I changed into a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie, and then we crawled into bed together.

He kissed me goodnight and pulled my body close, cuddling into me. Shortly after that his breathing slowed and the rhythm of his heartbeat had become steady. I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overtake me, but it never did. My mind started racing with my usual overwhelming thoughts.

Matt and I have been together for five years now. We started dating when we were eighteen and have known each other our entire lives. Matt has always been my best friend and since I was twelve years old I have been insanely in love with him. Luckily for me when we were eighteen, Matt had confessed that he felt the same way and ever since, we have been together. Two years ago, we even bought our own place and moved in together.

Now at twenty-three years old we are still going strong, but I have started to question our future together. I want to get married and have kids, but what if he secretly doesn't want that? Sure we've both expressed that we want that, but why hasn't he proposed yet? Is he unsure? Did he change his mind? My mind races a million miles an hour.

My breathing picked up as my anxiety really set in. Suddenly I started to feel my chest tighten, I sat up and walked to our bathroom, trying to calm myself down and get my breathing straightened out.

"Baby? What's wrong are you- oh no my love." I hear Matt's sleepy voice say as he enters our bathroom. I look at him with tears in my eyes as I try to calm down, but seeing that I woke him up just upset me more. He walks over to me and grabs my hands placing them on his chest to feel his heart.

" It's okay sweetheart, you'll get through this. Breathe with me, feel my breathing and match it, love. " Matt calms me down. I slowly start to feel better after what feels like an eternity. I look up at him and he takes his hands and wipes my tears away with a sad smile encasing his lips.

"Y/N, you know you can wake me up whenever you feel like that, honey. God knows I've done it to you a thousand times before. I want to help you baby, you gotta wake me up." He says caressing my cheek with his hand.

I let out a deep sigh. " I know, but I hate waking you up. Usually it goes away faster than this I'm sorry I woke you up, my love." I say. He shakes his head at me and says, " Never apologize for that babe. I'm glad I was here to help. I just wish you woke me up sooner."

He pulls me into a hug and he holds me for a few minutes, caressing my hair, swaying us side to side lightly and leaving kisses on the top of my head. I shut my eyes and focus on how he feels in my arms and it's almost enough to make me fall right asleep. He notices this and whispers into my ear, " I know you must have had a hard time sleeping, love. Do you want to go for a ride? Those always seem to help you calm down and fall asleep."

I nod my head into his chest and he picks me up and carries me downstairs. He puts me down so we can both put our shoes on and grab our jackets, then he grabs his keys. He takes my hand and we walk out and get in the car.

We start driving and I still cannot sleep. He puts one hand on my knee rubbing small circles to help relax me, but it doesn't work. He frowns at this and says, " Maybe you should talk about it baby. It might help you get it off your mind so you can sleep."

I let out a shaky breath, fighting not to cry. After a few moments I finally speak up. "What does our future look like to you?" I say. He glances at me with a confused look , which quickly turns to a look of worry.

" Well, I see us getting married and having babies, maybe getting a dog or two. Honestly I want whatever you want, love. I just want to make you happy forever. What do you want baby?" He says.

I feel a few stray tears fall down my face as I let out a breath. " I just want you, Matt. I want everything with you. I love you so much. I just want to make sure you want this too. I don't ever want you feeling trapped with me or that we have to do certain things like getting married or having kids. I want those things, but if you don't want them we don't have to have them because I will be happy as long as I have you." I sob out.

He pulls the car over into a random parking lot, unbukles his seat belt and gets out. He comes over to my side, unbuckles my seat belt and helps me out of the car. So there we were standing in the rain

"Did I ever make you feel like I didn't want those things with you? Baby, it's all I've ever wanted. I'm sorry I made you doubt our future. I promise you we are gonna have all of those things. You know what? This isn't how I wanted to do this, but fuck it. " He says.

Before I process what's happening Matt pulls out a small jewelery box from his jacket pocket and drops down onto one knee. My mouth falls open and I start crying even harder than before. I look at his face and notice he's crying too.

"Y/N L/N, this is not planned at all and I'm sorry because I wanted to do this differently. I wanted to make this super huge deal for you and so I was waiting until I had everything sorted out. Nick and Chris have been helping me plan for the last week actually ," he chuckles.

"Right now feels like the right time. Y/N I want to have a life with you, I want you to have my last name, I want to have a family with you, I want it all. The good, the bad, the crazy, all of it. I have loved you for as long as I can remember. You have been my best friend, my person, my first love, love of my life. Will you please be my wife?" He says.

I crouch down onto my knees as I nod my head vigorously at him. He pulls the ring out of the box and slides it on my finger as I grab him and hug him. He stands us both up and kisses me passionately, the rain pouring down, soaking us entirely.

We get back in the car and drive home. He holds my hand placed on my thigh and runs his finger over my ring and I smile. "Y'know Nick and Chris are gonna be so pissed that this happened without them." I said laughing.

"Yeah Nick is never gonna shut up about it. They'll both get over it though." He said laughing lightly. We pulled up to the house and went inside, discarding our wet clothing and changing into dry clothes. Then we headed upstairs to our bedroom.

"Do you feel better baby?" He asked as he snuggled up close to me in bed. "Absolutely. How could I not after all that excitement?" I said smiling into his chest. He lifts my chin up with his hand and kisses me slowly and softly on the lips.

"God I can't wait to marry you. Gonna make you my wife." He says between kisses. I wrap my arms around his neck as he buries his face into my neck, placing kisses to it. "I love you" I say as I start to fall asleep. "I love you more, love." He says as slumber consumes me.

The future may be unknown, but at least I know it's ours.


Authors Note:

This one's a bit longer! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know if you guys have any requests!

<3 A

Matt & Chris Sturniolo imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora