Baby Fever - Chris 🧡

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Prompt: Y/N works at a preschool, and Chris comes to drop off her lunch while she works. He sees how cute the kids are and how good she is with them and gets baby fever.

CW: Chris having extreme baby fever, kissing, really cheesy convo

Y/N's POV:

Chris and I have been together for a long time now, 5 years to be exact. We actually just passed our 1 year wedding anniversary.  Despite all our years together, we haven't really talked about having kids. I guess I always assumed we'd have them since I love kids so much. I just know Chris would be an awesome dad one day.

Today, I forgot to bring my lunch to work, so Chris is gonna bring it for me. I am a head teacher at a local preschool, so there isn't time for me to leave and get my lunch. I'm with the kids all day, and I only have one break, and it's for my lunch. Most people would hate that, but I love what I do. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, so I really love my job.

I told Chris he could come in and drop my lunch off and say hi if he wanted to. He's never had time to come see me at work before with everything him, Matt, and Nick are doing. About 30 minutes before my lunch break, he showed up. The director of my preschool brought him to my classroom, and he walked in. I wasn't really paying attention since I was currently getting the kids ready to transition from arts and crafts to outdoor play.

" Elianna, we do not hit our friends. Please go tell Chase you're sorry. Thank you." I enforced as I observed a child hit another one. I turned around and saw Chris standing sheepishly by the doorway, unsure of what to do.  " Hi! I didn't even notice you there, come here." I said excitedly. The kids all looked over at Chris as I spoke to him.

The kids were currently sitting at the main table in the room working on their construction paper art. I only have 12 kids in my class and I have 2 assistant teachers in the room. Our room isn't overly crowded, so I pulled up a tiny chair for Chris so he could sit and watch if he wanted. He decided he wanted to stay and see what I do and sat down in the tiny chair.  

The kids all look wondrously over at Chris. " Alrighty, friends! I have someone very special for you to meet. This is my husband, Chris. Now, I'm gonna come stand behind your chairs, and each of you are gonna tell him your name!" I explained. I stood behind each child's chair as they introduced themselves to Chris. He smiled at them and said hi to each of them.

For the remainder of time before my lunch break, he watched as I helped the kids finish up their projects. I hung them all up in the classroom when they were done and helped them wash their hands. After that, my 2 other teaching assistants and I got all their coats on them for them to have their hour of outdoor play. I helped situate the kids, and then the assiants took them, and it was time for my lunch break.

I sat down at my desk, and Chris walked over to me. " I can not do this Y/N. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. You're so great with them." He complimented me. I smiled and shrugged. " It comes naturally, I think, this isn't hard. I mean, some days, there's more screaming and crying, but I feel like I do pretty well." I explain as I eat. He nods his head at me and smiles. He grabs my hand that my wedding ring is on and brings it to his lips, kissing it.

"I wish I had come to see you working sooner. It's honestly so attractive, Y/N. Not many people like kids, yet you're so good with them. You're like a Disney princess or something. You should see the way they look at you." He says, grinning at me.  I finish my lunch and lean over and kiss him. "I'll see you when I get home. The kids are getting ready to take their nap now. You should go before you have to witness the horrors of nap time." I laugh at him. He pulls me in for another kiss before heading out. "I love you!" He says as he leaves. "Love you too!" I reply.

Several hours go by, and eventually, I head home from work. I'm kind of tired , working with kids is so rewarding, but it can be very tiring. I walked into our house, and Chris had ordered from my favorite restaurant. He was sitting in the kitchen with a huge smile on his face as he saw me.

"Hey, baby. After seeing you do all that for a little bit earlier, I realized how much work you put into what you do, and I wanted to do something to show you that I'm proud of you. I know what you do isn't exactly easy, I wanted to do something nice to help you relax a bit." He says, walking up to me and placing his hands on my hips.

I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. " This is awfully sweet, my love. However, why am I getting the feeling you have something else on your mind? Chris, you know you can talk to me." I say, gently running my hands through his hair. His eyes are closed, and a small content smile graces his lips. "Promise not to freak out?" He asks me.

I shake my head at him, and he huffs out a large breath. " I think we should have kids. Soon. Please." He practically rushes out as if he doesn't want the words to linger in the air. I stare up at him for a moment to see if he's serious. "Are you for real? You really want kids with me?" I asked

He smiles at me, and his left hand cups the side on my face. He rubs his thumb up and down my cheek as he stares into my eyes. "I'm so for real. I've always wanted this with you. After seeing you in action today, I know that you're going to be the best mom ever. If you're not ready right now, that's okay. We can wait. I love you, and I don't want you to feel preassured." He spoke softly.

I laugh, pulling him closer to my face. "Aw, do you have baby fever?" I joked as he brushed his nose up against mine and closed his eyes. He smiled. " How could I not? Seeing my beautiful wife helping a bunch of kids acting all motherly and sweet. We've been together for a long time, and now we're past our 1 year wedding anniversary, and I think we should consider adding a baby. I want a family with you, Y/N."

I lean up and press a short kiss to his lips. He tries to chase after my lips when I pull away and laugh. "If this is what you absolutely want, we can plan to have a baby. I've always wanted kids, I was just worried you wouldn't want them." I tell him seriously. He nods at me and grins. " I want everything with you, Y/N. I want to wake up at 2 am to our baby crying for a diaper change. I want to tuck our kids in and read them bed times stories and have Christmas and birthdays and everything. I want to see you completely in your element with our kids, doing what you love. " He says before pulling me into a passionate, slow kiss.

It was a kiss that said a thousand things. A kiss that said I love you, a kiss that said, we'll be okay, a kiss that said we're ready. All the uncertainty and doubt I had previously washed away, and I knew we would do just fine.


Authors note:

Lmao, guys, I'm sorry you can tell I was projecting in this one with all the preschool talk ( I'm currently in college for Early Childhood Education, lol). I thought it was a cool twist to the baby fever trope. Anyways, tell me what you guys think! Requests are open!

<3 A

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