Grateful - Matt 💙

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Prompt: similar to the Thanksgiving Imagine for Chris, but more fluffy. Y/N and Matt go to Thanksgiving dinner and suprise their family with some good news!!

CW : None, really cheesy

Y/N's POV:

September 28th :

I stare down at the test on the counter, awaiting the results. Matt stands next to me, rubbing my arm to calm me down. "It's okay if it isn't positive this time, Y/N. We can try agian." He says reassuringly. I shake my head and sigh. "No, it's not okay, Matt. We've been trying for over a year now. I just want a baby. Why can't we have a baby?!?!?" I say, frustrated.

He sighs and pulls me close to his chest as I bury my face agianst him. A few angry tears slip down my face as we stand there and he caresses my hair and sways us back and forth to soothe me. "I don't know, my love. I want to give you a baby more than anything. You deserve to be a mom. I will try everything I have to if it means we can have a baby. Let's not give up hope yet, okay?" He says, kissing the top of my head.

As I calm down and collect myself, the timer goes off, signaling its time to check the test. I wipe my tears and turn towards Matt. "Can you do it? I'll cry if I see the negative result. At least if you tell me it won't hurt as much." I say as I look at him. He gives me a sad smile and nods before picking up the test.

I look at him to see his reaction and he gasps and smiles wide at me before setting the test down and hugging me. "Y/N, it's positive! Oh my god, baby were gonna be parents!" He says as he pulls back, brushing the hair out of my face and kissing me. His happy tears falling onto my face as he excitedly tells me.

I'm shocked as I grab the test from were he set it and see the words I've always dreamed of seeing, the words I've begged and prayed for the past year and a half.



It's been 8 weeks since then, it's Thanksgiving day. I am currently 10 weeks along and Matt and I couldn't be happier. Especially since we just had our first ultrasound and found out that we are expecting twins! It's been really tough, but we decided not to tell anyone and keep it to ourselves for a bit. We wanted to suprise our family, so that is what we're going to do today!

I'm all done getting ready and I go into the bathroom, where my husband is getting ready. I wrap my arms around his waist as he finishes parting his hair. "You look beautiful, lovey." He says and turns around. I am wearing a bodycon sweater dress that accentuates my body, making my tiny bump noticeable. I also have a leather jacket and a scarf on to draw less attention to my stomach.

"You don't think anyone be able to tell before we tell everyone, do you?" I ask referring to my bump. He places his hands on my belly, gently rubbing it as he smiles. "No, sweetheart. You're bump is barely noticeable. Can't wait for it to get bigger so I can feel them better." He says as he leans in to kiss me.

We arrive at his parents house about an hour later and everyone hugs us and asks us how we are and I so badly wanted to tell everyone our news, but I knew it would be worth the wait to tell them all together. We sit down to eat and begin our family tradition of telling everyone what we're grateful for.

It gets to Matt's turn and he stands up. "I am most grateful for my wonderful family, my beautiful wife, my brothers, and our career." He says smiling down at me excitedly anticipating what is coming next. I stand up and Matt grabs the test and ultrasound pictures from his jacket pocket discreetly as I speak.

" I am most grateful for all of you, my amazing husband and my career. Oh, wait I forgot 2 more things..." I say as Matt stands up next to me with the ultrasound and test. Everyone starts gasping and freaking out, getting so excited.

" We are both so grateful for our twins that will be here by June of next year!" I say and Mary Lou immediately gets up and hugs me and Matt. His brothers all come up and hug us and then everyone else does too.

As we sit back down we get hit with a bunch of questions, especially from Nick. " Oh my god! This is so exciting, how long have you known?" He asks. I smile at him as Matt responds. " We found out 8 weeks ago. Y/N is 10 weeks along. We wanted to wait and suprise everyone." Matt explains with a huge smile on his face.

"Y/N, you're going to be such a good mom! I remember when you and Matt were little and you played house and talked about wanting to have kids. I'm so excited for you both, honey. I can't believe my baby is going to be a dad!" Mary Lou says as she wipes tears away.

Everyone continues to congratulate us and as the evening winds down, everyone says their goodbyes and leaves. Matt and I head home and change our clothes, deciding to get comfy and watch some Christmas movies as we cuddle on our couch.

I lay my head agianst his chest and his hands rub my belly. I sigh in contentment as he kisses my cheek. I turn my head and look at him and notice he's already staring down at me, his eyes stare deeply into mine as he looks at me and I remember that look all too well.

It's the same look he gave me when we were 8 and I kissed his cheek for the first time. The same look he gave me before we had our first kiss at 14. The look he gave me when he told me he loved me the first time. The look I saw him have as I walked down the aisle at our wedding. The look he gave me after he told me we were going to be parents.

It's a look that goes without saying any words, but tells me everything. It's a look that tells me he's in love. My hand reaches up and cups his jaw as my thumb caresses his cheek. "There's that look agian." I say with a grin on my face. "What look?" He questions, laughing a little. "The look you have when you love me." I say. He smiles and leans down, kissing me.

"I love you all the time, you goof." He says laughing. I laugh with him and shake my head. " I know you do, but whenever you really feel it you have a look. I can tell, you've always had it. Ever since we were kids." I explain and he nods, agreeing.

He grabs my hand and kisses my wedding rings. "That's because I've always loved you. Since the day I met you on that playground in 3rd grade." He says. I kiss him agian, playing with his hair a bit. "Thank you for giving me the life I've always wanted. Im so grateful for you." I say as we pull apart. "You don't have to thank me. You've given me all I've ever wanted, you. I'm so excited to have a family with you. I love you so fucking much." He says, kissing me once more.

"I love you too, Matt." I say as we cuddle back up on the couch. Soon enough we both fall asleep. This Thanksgiving was the best one yet, especially since we have our own famiky to be thankful for.


Authors note:

I know this is a day late but I was trying to get this one together for the Matt girls lol. Let me know what you guys think! Requests are open!

<3 A

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