Argument - Chris 🧡

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Prompt : Y/N and Chris get into an argument and eventually work it out

Requested! ( I love this idea!!)

CW: Swearing, angst, lil spicy towards the end / kinda suggestive

Y/N's POV:

Chris and I rarely argue, and when we do, we talk it out. There's never been anything that has made us so angry we couldn't stand to be near each other. That was until last night.

We went to a party with Matt and Nick, and I had left Chris to go to the bathroom. When I came back down, a girl was all over Chris, and he smiled at her. He was fucking smiling at her. I was so pissed. I've never been the jealous type, Chris has never given me a reason to be. I feel very secure in our relationship. However, when I saw him smiling at her as she touched his chest and laughed, I couldn't help but be angry at him for not trying harder to get away from her.

I stood from afar, waiting a few minutes hoping he would tell her to fuck off or something, but he never did. He glanced around a few times, probably looking to see if I was coming. After a couple minutes of this girl practically throwing herself at my boyfriend, I had enough when she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. I started to walk towards them, and he yanked himself away from her, walking up to me with a panicked expression.

"Baby, I swear she just wouldn't stop-" He started pleading with me before I cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it. I just watched you smiling and shit at her. You didn't want her off you at all." I say, trying to wall away from him, heading outside. "Oh my god, Y/N! You're being so overdramatic. It wasn't like that." He said, following me outside as I scoffed at him.

"Oh, it wasn't like that? Chris, she had her hands all over you! I watched, and you never moved away once!" I said angrily.  He shook his head. "It wasn't that bad, Y/N. Get over yourself she was only there for about 5 minutes, anyway." He said, and I turned to face him.

"Well, from my experience,  5 minutes is all you need. She might as well have grabbed your dick." I say, flailing my arms around and yelling at him. He shook his head and let out an angry laugh. "Do you realize how insecure you sound? You're not even yourself right now. Can I have my girlfriend back? She's much more understanding and chill than this." He said sarcastically.

"You're understanding and chill girlfriend left when she saw some girl trying to get in your pants and you do nothing about it! You can't sit here and say that I'm acting insecure when I know damn well that if the situation was reversed, you'd be pissed at me too." I say, angrily running my fingers through my hair. He rolls his eyes and huffs angrily at me.

"Don't flip this shit on me. It's not fair." He said. My eyes widen as I feel the anger rise in my chest even more. "Not fair? You know what isn't fair? Not telling some chick to fuck off when you have a girlfriend. That's not fair to me!" I yelled at him. We've been fighting for a few minutes now, and people start to curiously look over. Matt and Nick come outside and  hear us yelling.

"Hey! Both of you cut it out! Get in the car were going home." Nick says as.he comes up to us. Chris glares angrily at me as he walks to the car. "What the fuck ever." I hear him mumble as he gets in the passenger seat and slams the door. Matt flinches and gets in the front, yelling at Chris. "Dude, fucking stop acting like a baby. Watch what you're doing to my car." He yelled.

I sit next to Nick in the back seat. This had to be the most awkward and tension filled car ride I've ever had. Once we get to the house, Nick and Matt go to their rooms, and Chris storms past me to his. I wait a few minutes before going to his room to grab my charger.

"What are you doing?" He asks with an attitude as I get my stuff from his room. " Just grabbing my stuff I need. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." I say as I exit his room. I made a makeshift bed on the couch and laid down, trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. As I lay there, I heard someone come into the living room, assuming it was Matt or Nick heading to the kitchen.

The end of the couch by me feet dips as someone sits on the end. I look up and see Chris, his features illuminated from the shine of the moon coming through the window. "I can't sleep ." He says in a shaky voice. I could hear how upset he was. My heart aches at the sound of him, and I sit up. "Me neither." I say situating myself better.  He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, biting his bottom lip in distress.

That sight alone is enough to make me fold. He is so beautiful. I try to keep my composure as he speaks up. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have let that girl be all over me like that. I was uncomfortable and didn't know how to get out of that situation. Trust me, baby, I didn't like it one bit. I'm so sorry for the way I talked to you earlier.  You didn't deserve that." He apologized.

I shook my head at him. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It wasn't okay." I also apologized. He leans his body closer and opens his arms. "Let me hold you. Please, my love." He said in a pleading tone, and I practically jump into his arms. The second his arms wrap around me, a huge weight is lifted off my chest, and I let out a content sigh. His touch is always so soothing to me.

I crawl onto his lap and snuggle my face into his neck as he kisses the top of my head. After a minute or so, his hand caressing my cheek and lifts my head up so my eyes meet his. "You know you're the only girl I want? The only one I have eyes for? No one compares to you, Y/N. Nobody can love me like you do." He says as his face leans closer to mine. I bring my hands to his cheeks and pull him forward, connecting our lips.

The kiss starts out soft and slow but turns deep and sloppy as he lays my back against the couch, moving on top of me. My hands move to his hair and gently pull and tug at it as he moves down and leaves love bites on my neck. He moans against my neck, and his grip on my hips tighten. He kisses his way back up to my lips and deepens the kiss agian. His hands play with the hem of my shirt, and I softly moan into his mouth. He pulls away, nibbling on my bottom lip with his teeth.

"Fuck." He breathes out and presses his forehead agianst mine. We're both breathing heavy, and the tension is thick as our need for each other becomes evident. He grins at me, tucking a peace of hair behind my ear before kissing my neck agian. He leans back up and whispers in my ear.

"Let me bring you back to my room so I can show you how you make me feel. How you're the only one who can make me feel like this." He says and kisses his way to my chest, leaving marks. I let out another soft moan and nod my head. Chris smirked at me before throwing me over his shoulder and running to his room as I laughed.

Let's just say he showed me exactly how he felt that night, and Nick and Matt weren't too pleased with us the next morning.


Authors note: this one was requested! I love this idea and I think it was great. Let me know what you guys think! Requests are open!

<3 A

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