Antics- Chris 🧡

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Prompt : Chris gets some ideas to mess with Y/N while she's on a phone call with her mom, so then later that day, Y/N gets payback

CW: Neck kisses, teasing, little cringe

Y/N's POV:

Today, Chris was feeling extra needy and made it very clear. He basically followed me around all day, and anytime I'm sit or stand somewhere, he'd come up right behind me and wrap his arms around me.

One time in particular caught me really off guard. I was on the phone with my mom discussing an outfit I should wear to a family event we had coming up next week. "Should I wear a dress, or is this more of a casual thing?" I asked her.  I was leaning over the counter in the kitchen when I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

I was fully enveloped in his scent and his warmth, and I instantly relaxed in his arms. He leaned down and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I'm still on the phone listening to my mom as Chris starts to place some kisses on my neck.

Normally, this wouldn't bother me at all, and it didn't for a few minutes until I felt his start to gently bite on the sensitive part on my neck. This boy was looking for trouble. I muted my end of the conversation for a second, lifting his head off my neck.

"Could you be any more distracting?" I said sarcastically. " I definitely could. Do you want me to?" He flirtatiously asked, grinning down at me. "Enough, you goof. I have to figure this out with my mom. The last thing I need her to hear is you sucking on my neck like a vampire." I said, un-muting my end and getting back to the conversation with my mom.

As I get back into the conversation with my mom, Chris kicks up his antics. He goes back to kissing my neck, and he even starts to caress my hips as he holds me from behind. I try my best to block him out, but he ends up biting at a particularly sensitive spot on my neck that makes my body jolt.

He ends up laughing a little too loudly, and my mom hears him. " Oh Y/N is that Chris? Tell him I said hello! Ask him to come to the event next week with you!" She says. Chris leans up close to my ear and whispers, "Yeah baby, ask me to go to the event next week with you." In a teasing voice. I am incredibly flustered at this point, and my face feels like it's on fire, so I'm sure my cheeks are severely flushed.

"Alright, I will, mom. I got to go. I'll talk to you later, I love you." I say as I end our call. After I'm sure the call has ended, I turn around in Chris's arms and wrap my arms around his neck. "You can't keep your hands to yourself, huh?" I say to him. "You love that about me, baby. I can see it all on your face now. You're blushing so hard. " He says giggling at me.

I groan and shove my face into his chest as he laughs. " I'm so getting you back for this." I mumble into his chest. " I highly doubt that. I don't get nearly as flustered as you do, Y/N." He says confidently. Well, now it's on. I'm gonna make this boy suffer. "You're gonna wish you never said that to me, baby. I'm gonna make you regret it." I said laughing."We'll see about that," He said, laughing at me.

After a couple of hours, I've finally made my plan. I'm gonna get him all flustered  by being all touchy with him when he's talking to Nick and Matt. Chris and I aren't ones to display public affection often, especially not in front of his brothers, so I don't really like this idea, but I think it's one of the only ways I'm gonna get him flustered.

Nick, Matt, and Chris just came back after filming a car video and are hanging around downstairs in the kitchen. It's time to make my move. I walk downstairs and wrap my arms around Chris's waist as he stands behind the counter. He jumps under my touch.

"Hi baby. How did filming go?" I ask innocently. He looks down at me and grins, clearly having caught on to my plan. "Great, love. Are you feeling okay? You're being extra touchy right now." He says, feeling my forehead. I roll my eyes at his attempt to try to get me to lose at this bet. I remove my hands from him and stand where Nick and Matt can see me since mine and Chris's height difference prevents them from seeing me fully. They say hello to me, and I go sit with Nick for a little while, and we chat. I tell Nick about the bet, and he laughs, then heads upstairs to answer a FaceTime call from Madi.

After a little while, Chris sits in a chair by the counter, and that's when I make my next move. I get up and sit on Chris's lap, facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head in his neck. I feel him tense as he realizes that I'm about to pay him back for all those neck kisses earlier.

Chris tries to continue his conversation with Matt as I leave a few kisses to his neck. He lets out a soft and short sigh when I nibble on that little spot by his ear that I know he loves. He grips my hip with one and moves his hand to my jaw, lifting my head and looking at me. Matt laughs and shakes his head at us. "You guys have been so weird today, I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." He says, walking off.

Chris and I say goodnight to Matt, not daring to break eye contact from one another. I feel accomplished since Chris's cheeks are flushed, a light shade of pink as he looks at me. "Do you feel proud, sweetheart?" He says to me. "Oh, absolutely. I told you I was gonna get you back. I'm glad my plan worked." I say as I stand up.

"Where are you going?" He asks me. "To bed. My work here is done. I got you all flustered, just like I told you I would." I reply. He grabs my hand, and we walk to his room and get in bed, cuddling close to each other.

"Alright, you do get me flustered. Don't let it get to your head, kid." He says as he kisses my forehead. "Oh, I'm gonna let it get to my head. If you ever act up agian like you did earlier, I'm gonna get you back just like I did today. " I laugh.

He shakes his head at me and leans down and gives me a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight. I love you." He says. "Goodnight.  I love you more." I say.  Soon enough, I find myself drifting to sleep, but just before it overtakes me, I hear Chris speak.

"Did you really have to do that in front of my brothers? I'm never gonna hear the end of it now." I laugh into his chest and soon fall asleep. 

Author's Note:

Another one! Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!

<3 A

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