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Once we had comfortably settled into the room designated for the marriage proceedings, the ceremony began with the Imam delivering a marriage sermon.

His words were imbued with prayers and excerpts from the Qur'an. It was a tradition, a sunnah, established by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to sanctify the union. The verses from the Qur'an, including [24:32], resonated within the assembly. They emphasized the encouragement for those who were single to seek marriage, highlighting that they may wed the righteous, even among the servants, if they were in need. The Imam's message eloquently emphasized the enrichment that God's grace could bring.

The procession continued as my father, the Wali, symbolically offered my hand in marriage to the Musa family. Their gracious acceptance marked the unity of our families.

The pinnacle of the ceremony unfolded as the Imam, officiating the marriage, concluded with a heartfelt prayer. His supplication encompassed blessings for Hassan and me, our respective families, the local Muslim community, and the broader Muslim Ummah. His words resonated with profound significance.

Following this solemn moment, the Imam uttered, "Baarakallaahu laka, wa baaraka alayka, wa jama a baynakumaa fee khayrin" (May Allah bless you, and shower His blessings upon you, and join you together in goodness). In unison, we all responded with a heartfelt "Ameen."

With the blessings of Allah and the support of our loved ones, we then proceeded to the signing of the Nikkah contract, a step that officially bound us as a married couple. In front of our dear guests, our signatures sealed this commitment.

In this sacred sanctuary, amidst our loved ones, I was proclaimed as Hassan's wife, uniting us in both religious and legal law, marking the beginning of our life together.

As we rose from our positions, the room erupted with cheers.

A sudden, warm, and soft hand slipped into mine, instantly sparking a flurry of emotions. My heart seemed to leap out of my chest as I realized that it was Hassan's hand, his grip tender but firm. He led me out of the prayer room and into the hall, and I found myself trying to maintain my composure, not wanting to stumble or worse, fall. The sensation of our intertwined fingers sent waves of exhilaration coursing through me. It might sound cliché, but there were sparks when our hands met. His touch was strong and gentle, and it was impossible not to notice how perfectly our hands fit together.

Following suit, our families joined us, exchanging congratulations and warm wishes. In a surprising turn of events, I even embraced Sarah and Zahra. It was an unexpected and heartwarming moment.

"Hassan, my boy, why don't you take the car and drive with your new wife to the house? I'll ride in the other car," Uncle Musa suggested, handing Hassan the car keys and patting him on the back.

The suggestion sent a sudden blush to my cheeks. I hesitated to look in my family's direction, but curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but steal a glance.

My brother and Ayeesha were playfully winking at me, and my parents wore sly, knowing grins. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

"Okay, Dad," Hassan replied, gently tugging me along as we exited the mosque.

We approached a sleek 2021 Range Rover, discreetly tucked away from the prying eyes of our families, a gesture I truly appreciated because of what happened next.

Hassan turned to face me directly, positioning us so that we stood face to face. His warm fingers slowly released mine, and I found myself drawn in by his gaze, the gleam in his eyes pulling me in. With tenderness, he encircled his arms around my waist, giving me a hug and I melted into his comforting embrace. My face nestled against his chest.

My arms shyly wound around his neck, creating an intimate connection that didn't need words. In this moment, words proved inadequate to describe the peace washing over me. It was as if I had found my sanctuary, my refuge; he felt like home, like the missing piece that had completed my life's puzzle.

His scent that enveloped me was nothing short of intoxicating. It was a fusion of citrus notes and a musky undertone, a signature aroma that was undoubtedly his natural scent. I had discovered my newfound favorite smell.

With both his arms securely around me, he tenderly pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Assalamu Alayku Zawjati" he whispered tenderly into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

My response was a shy giggle, my arms now comfortably resting on his broad shoulders. I gazed up at him with a mixture of affection and bashfulness, replying, "Wa Alaykum Salam"

His eyes locked onto mine, filled with an undeniable sense of awe. He gently smoothed down my hijab with a delicate touch and spoke in a hushed, reverent tone, "You look absolutely breathtaking, and I haven't even seen you yet."

My heart seemed to momentarily cease working.

"W-would you like to?" I asked, my insecurities bubbling to the surface.

"Not yet," he responded with an enchanting smile, "I want to-"

Before he could finish, Ayeesha's impatience interrupted,

"Hey newlyweds, we're for some reason waiting for you guys to leave and the sun is killing me!"

Her words were followed by a distinctive smack, undoubtedly from my mother.

He chuckled at the interruption, and gently led me to the passenger side of the car. What happened next nearly made me swoon.

With a surprising and oh-so-attractive move, he leaned over, facing me and carefully buckled my seatbelt, his touch gentle.

My breath caught in my throat, as I had never experienced such close proximity to another person, let alone a male. In that moment, our proximity was so intimate that it felt as if we were sharing the very same breath. His breath , a subtle blend of fresh mint, hung in the air, overriding my senses. From this astonishingly close vantage point, I couldn't help but notice the faint scar gracing his right cheek and the delicate freckles that adorned the bridge of his nose.

"Okay?" He asked with a glint in his eyes.

With a nervous nod, I agreed, looking away as a soft chuckle rumbled from him. He gently closed the car door and gracefully settled into the driver's seat. The car started to move in reverse, and he reached for my hand, placing it on the center console.

My gaze drifted down, drawn by the sight of our hands entwined, fingers fitting together as if they were destined to find each other. My henna-adorned hand contrasted with the strong, much larger hand of his. Yet, there was a certain harmony in the way they joined.

He held onto my hand with a reassuring grip, as though he never wanted to let go.

And honestly? As I felt the comforting pressure of his fingers around mine, I didn't want to let go either.

And let me tell you, it was incredibly attractive to witness him expertly handling the car with one hand as he maneuvered it in reverse as we left the mosque. It was as though he had a plan to give me a heart attack even before we arrived at the reception.

As we embarked on the journey back to my house, the beautiful recitation of the Quran filled the air-conditioned car, creating a serene backdrop to our quiet communion. I had witnessed many uncomfortable silences, but this was unlike any of them. It was a soft silence, one that wrapped around us like a warm, comforting embrace.


Not me fangirling over my own writing lmao, I need me a hassan in my life tbh😭.
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