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The news of my pregnancy was met with a whirlwind of emotions, with tears of joy streaming down our cheeks and laughter filling the room. When I shared the news with my mother over a FaceTime call , her reaction was a mix of disbelief and overwhelming happiness. I could hear her voice tremble as she struggled to contain her emotions, and when the reality of the moment finally sank in, she had burst into tears, her sobs echoing through the phone line. Meanwhile, my father's response was no less enthusiastic, his excitement contagious and his laughter filling the room.

After sharing the news with our families, Hassan and I found ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of congratulations and well wishes. The sweet reactions from our loved ones filled us with a sense of warmth and gratitude.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself standing at the entrance of Hassan's workplace. The aroma of tacos fills my nostrils, a reminder of the surprise lunch date I've planned for us.

I had been craving some so i made enough for the both of us and had planned for us to eat together but i ended up bringing him his own share because I couldn't wait to eat mine. Blame the baby.

Approaching the receptionist's desk, I greet her in a warm tone. But instead of returning my warm greeting , she regards me with a cold, indifferent stare, her eyes flicking dismissively over my figure before returning to her computer screen. The sting of her indifference leaves me momentarily speechless, my confusion mounting with each passing second.

I refuse to let her negativity dampen my spirits today.

"Excuse me? I'm speaking to you"

She let out an aggravated sigh as I stood there waiting and looked up at me with a blank stare.

"This is a high tech company ma'am, I don't think there's anything here we can offer you." She finally said in a bored tone. "Especially with the way you're dressed" She added after an afterthought giving my attire a look of disgust.

I let out a soft gasp at the audacity of this lady. I felt my eyes prickle with hurt at her tone.

Normally I would give stuck up people like her a piece of my mind but my pregnancy hormones are making me feel so fragile and I'm about to burst into tears of anger.

I took in a deep breath and decided to be the bigger person and ignore her vile behaviour.

"I'm here to see Hassan Musa" I spoke firmly as I willed myself not lash out.

She let out a laugh as she gave me a sneer, leaning back on her chair and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Our CEO? What would Hassan Musa ever want with you? I'll ask you to leave one more time before I call security on you"

Her response is like a slap in the face, her laughter mocking and her words dripping with disdain. But before I can respond, my phone rings, offering a welcome distraction from the tense exchange. Glancing down, I see Hassan's name flashing on the screen, and I quickly answer the call.

"Noor ayn," his voice fills my ear, instantly soothing my frayed nerves.

"Yes, Hassan," I respond softly, grateful for the familiar sound of his voice.

"Why do you sound like that? Are you okay?" he asks, concern evident in his tone.

"Not exactly... I'm currently at the receptionist table at your workplace, but I'm having issues getting to you," I reply vaguely, not wanting to burden him with the details.

"I'm coming," he responds quickly before hanging up.

As I wait for Hassan to arrive, I take in the bustling energy of the lounge room, my mind whirling with a mix of emotions.

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