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It's finally here. Graduation day. I am now a bachelor's degree holder in criminal psychology. Four years of tears, stress and breakdown all for this paper. Alhamdulilah. There have been times where I thought I wouldn't be able to make it but Allah put sabr in my heart and I pushed through.

We were just driving back from the graduation ceremony at my university and the excitement and joy emanating from all the graduates and their parents was so strong.

Another strong emotion from everyone that saw me was surprise because of my very obvious husband who wouldn't let go of my hand and my growing, slightly visible bump at five months. Everyone wished me well and it was just a very wholesome experience.

As we pulled up to our driveway I noticed the added number of cars parked alongside our house and turned to hassan in shock and confusion. We didn't make any plans for today as far as I knew. Hassan was already looking at me sporting a grin as he gauged my reaction.

"Hassan what's this?" I whispered, for whatever reason I don't know.

"It's your graduation party silly" He responded with a playful eyeroll as he turned the ignition off, excitement in his eyes.

Hassan has been all smiles and laughter today and it makes me feel so happy and thankful that I have a supportive husband that instead of trying to make me give up on my dreams, is as excited as I am in achieving them.

"Ready to make your entrance?" Hassan asked as he swung open his door.

"Yes!" I couldn't contain my enthusiasm, eagerly reaching for my own door, anticipation bubbling in me for what and who awaited us inside.

But just as I began to push my door fully open, Hassan's hand darted out, swiftly clasping onto mine, and with a playful glare, he shut the door back, eliciting a giggle from me. Ah, Hassan and his playful antics.

As the eldest child used to being independent, I found his gestures both surprising and endearing. Hassan has always been one for acts of service, his desire to care for me evident even before my pregnancy. Now, it's as though he believes I'm incapable of doing anything on my own. Yet, there's a certain sweetness in his overprotectiveness that I can't help but appreciate.

With a playful eyeroll, Hassan exited the car and made his way around to my side, where he pulled open the door and extended his arm for me to grasp. I eagerly seized his much larger hand, allowing him to effortlessly guide me to my feet.

"Why thank you, Kind sir," I quipped in a dreadful attempt at a British accent, unable to resist the urge to mimic Hassan.

"You're welcome, baby," he responded, his tone tinged with amusement. "Don't think I forgot how you were about to open the door again, Halimah." His deadpan delivery only served to deepen my blush, as his hand encircled my waist while the other tenderly caressed my stomach.

"I forgot!" I confessed with a sheepish grin, averting my gaze under the weight of his intense stare. Hassan's unwavering gaze never failed to captivate me, though I suspected he enjoyed teasing me with it.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he gently took hold of my hand, closing the car door with a decisive click before leading me up the driveway towards the front door.

As Hassan swung open the door, a wave of lively chatter from the living room washed over us, signaling the warmth of the crowd there.

Stepping into the room, I was met with a chorus of cheers and applause as friends and family alike greeted my arrival. Though the crowd was not large, it comprised all the individuals whose presence I cherished most – our beloved family and a select few close friends whose support meant the world to me.

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