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Hassan's pov

Beep beep beep.

I woke up to the soft hum of a machine filling the air. My eyelids felt heavy as I struggled to lift them, and my limbs felt like lead, weighed down by an overwhelming sense of fatigue. Each breath felt like a laborious task, as if my chest were constricted by invisible chains. The sterile scent of disinfectant assaulted my senses, making me acutely aware of my surroundings. My throat felt parched, my mouth dry as I tried to muster the strength to speak. Weakness flowed through every fiber of my body, leaving me feeling utterly powerless and vulnerable in the sterile confines of where I lay.

I mustered up the strength to open my eyes but it felt there was something pushing back. After a lot of tries, I finally opened my eyes but quickly shut them close due to the light piercing into my eyes. It sent a searing pain into me.

I took in a deep breath and tried again and this time , it didn't hurt as much. I squinted as I stared up at the white ceiling and it's like the beeping of another machine became louder now that I could see.

The severity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in the hospital. How am I in the hospital? Did my episode get so bad that I was brought here? No. I searched my mind to remember what could have possibly happened for me to end up here. But my mind came up blank. It even hurt to think at this point.

All I remember was halimah leaving for the store.Halimah. Where is she?

I struggled to sit up, my body feeling like it was made of lead, each movement a grueling task. My head throbbed with dull pain, and my vision swam with dizziness. "Halimah," I managed to croak, my voice barely audible even to my own ears. Panic gripped me as I scanned the room, searching desperately for any sign of her. But the effort was futile, as my strength failed me and I collapsed back onto the pillows, defeated. The fear for Halimah's safety gnawed at my insides, overshadowing the haze of confusion and weakness that engulfed me.

The pace of the beeping increasing as different scenarios flitted through my mind.

The door opened up as I had just lifted myself slightly and was able to sit lightly on the bed when the person I was desperately searching for walked in. Almost immediately my heart rate returned to normal.

Halimah walked in, carrying a transparent bag of snacks. She hadn't yet noticed that I was up and was searching through the bag for something.

"Assalamu alaikum Zawji" She mumbled as she closed the door shut.

"Wa alaikum salam baby" I responded, my voice hoarse from not having water in them for what felt like days.

Halimah gasped and dropped the bag in shock as her eyes snapped to my direction. Halimah visibly shook as her eyes widened and filled up with tears as she looked at me in disbelief.

Halimah looked different. Not that she didn't look beautiful, but she looked tired and her eyes, the only thing I could see, had black bags. Her veil that was always immaculately worn looked like she rushed to throw it on, though it still covered the places it usually did.

"H-hassan" She cried out as she rushed to my side and gave me a tight hug.

We melted into one another as we held unto each-other desperately. It feels like we were apart for years with the way we were embracing each-other. I feel like I haven't been in her presence for so long.

Halimah started sobbing into my shoulder as she kept whispering Alhamdulilah. I felt myself breaking down as I could hear the pain in her voice. She still wouldn't stop shaking .

Though I was still feeling weak, i tightened my hold on her as she cried. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

"Baby," I whispered, attempting to meet Halimah's gaze, but she clung to me tightly, as if afraid to let go. Slowly, she released her hold and sat up, her movements cautious.

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