Chapter 1 - 'Cursed Potential'

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[I kid you all not, I have gone through about five or six rewrites of this book. From chapters as low as 200 words to 4500 hundred words. It became such a turmoil that I full on thought a few times that I'd just leave Jujutsu Kaisen and not write a story about it. But I decided to push on...for you guys...Because you seemed to really want a story based in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. And now I have a 15k-word chapter ready for you all! I feel really passionate about this one and I hope you like it. I feel, right now, I have created a story with a cool premise that could be exactly what you're looking for. It's got bits and pieces of previous books I've written whilst having some cool, fun aspects as well. I truly hope that the seventh time is the charm and you all enjoy what I'm writing for you today. So, yeah, if you do enjoy, feel free to vote and comment if you enjoy. But for now...Let's get right into it!!!]

[First two chapters will be based around Jujutsu Kaisen 0]

[Your POV]


"Did you hear about the new transfer student starting today? Apparently, he's related to Gojo. I also heard that he previously went to the Kyoto Highschool before coming here."

"Tuna mayo."

"Great. Another loose cannon. Exactly what we need. Do you know why he left Kyoto?"

"Nope. Word is he wasn't really liked there. But if he really is related to Gojo, I can only imagine how powerful he is."

"Hmph! If he's cocky, he better watch out. I won't be wasting my time with someone who doesn't take this thing seriously."

"Fish flakes."

"Come on, Maki, Inumaki. It's going to be the guys first day here. The least we can do is give him the benefit of the doubt."

Maki: "Think about it, Panda. If he's leaving Kyoto's Jujutsu High, why else do you think he's coming here other than he's a punk?"

Inumaki: "Tuna mayo."

Maki: "Inumaki's right. If something is on with him, it's our duty to make sure he's not just here to waste our time. We're sorcerers after all."

Panda: [Sighs] "I can never get a proper handle on you two like this..."

I always wondered what it would be like if I could hear the thoughts and opinions of people who talked about me when I wasn't around. It wasn't some serious thing, like I craved to see if people liked me or not. But it was just an interesting thought that came to mind every now and again. If I had the opportunity to hear what other people said, would I listen to them? Or would I keep myself in the dark? Honestly...Who knows. But in the end, if I did have a power like that. I don't think I'd really need it to figure out people's first opinions of me.

Especially not when it involved a few first-year sorcerers like these three. But my reason for starting the story here, with these three will have to wait for a little while more. I have other things to tell you, just so you can get caught up to where my tale really begins. For starters, I haven't even mentioned who I am! Ha...Imagine that. You've come here to read about the hero of the book, and yet, you don't even know his name? Man...How pathetic is that? Oh, well, what better time to start than now, right?Long story short, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I'm sixteen, currently.

And just like these three previously brought up, I'm a sorcerer. What's that? Well, let's just say when darkness comes out to play, you don't tend to call the fire department. You call sorcerers. A group of people who wield a magical element called cursed energy. It's with this energy that we fight back against the darkness. The funny thing is, not everyone has it. At least, not enough where they can actually do something about it. Some people have cursed energy, which gives them the ability to see curses.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 'Cursed Potential' [Male Reader X Jujutsu Kaisen Harem]Where stories live. Discover now