Chapter 6 - 'Sorcerer Supreme'

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[You know, people told me that the MHA fandom were bad. But honestly, with my time with this book so far. I've gotta say...The JJK Fandom is WAY WORSE! Even little things I do in this book can't seem to please some people. And honestly, like I told someone the other day, it makes me not want to write this story. But, I'll tell you all like I told people on one of my other books. Give me time. Let me tell the story I want to tell. In other words...LET ME COOK! It'll be worth it!]

[Alright, here we are once again with another chapter of JJK! Hopefully, this one only comes out a week later, hence why I'm beginning to write it four days after the previous chapter's release. Speaking of which, the last chapter has been the weakest in being received. With 225 votes in 24 hours, which is still incredible! And has managed to rise to 266 votes as of writing. But it has been the weakest received chapter as of writing this book, not a bad thing, as it's still high, but still a factor nevertheless. But that isn't a bad thing, it only makes me push further to get another, even better, chapter out for you all this week. So sit back, relax! Because the action starts now! After all, one of the main focuses of this chapter is showing the readers powers!]



[Your POV]

When I was stuck in the void, I felt empty, without hope. My entire body felt like I was an embodiment of waves being crushed against a rocky wall in the middle of the ocean. For the time I was trapped there, I felt impending doom waiting for me around every corner. It made the fact that whenever I did get a break from the onslaught of curses and things such like it, that I could barely enjoy the peace given to me. Whenever I closed my eyes, I felt so close to goodbye. To my life. To my family. To my friends. To Maki. The things I really treasured in my life, now that I was nowhere near them, I realized just how much I missed them. 

It was like bad news given to a cancer patient. I felt sick every single time I woke up from an abysmal sleep, wishing that the previous events of the day before were nothing but a dream. But for me...They were real. Too real. I often hoped that one day I'd wake up to see a light at the end of this dark void. But every day I'd wake up to darkness...And that's exactly what I felt right now, as my body once more travelled through a void of complete black, nothingness. All the while I chase after the body of Nobara, who was suddenly pulled through the ground like rapid quicksand. 

Looking around as my body was pulled by this unknown gravity into the darkness, I contemplated, did I just get myself trapped in yet another endless prison? I barely survived the first one, so how would I go in a second? But then I remember, when I was trapped that first time, I made a promise. That I would help those who needed my help. Until every last bit of life was taken from me. So I shoved the thoughts of fear and miscalculations to the side. If I was doing this, I'd do everything in my power to forget about myself, and simply rescue Nobara from any sorts of dangers that would await her. I just hope that Megumi and Itadori will be right in the world above.

[3rd Person POV]

But in the world above, Megumi and Itadori found problems of their own. Their in-house fighting revolved around what to do with the dead body of Tadashi, the son of the crying woman they witnessed outside, the pair soon found themselves unable to move. And with the fact that the severed head of Megumi's Demon Dog was still imprinted into a nearby wall, both knew something was up. They soon received the confirmation needed when out of the corner of their eyes they spotted the blank gaze, and open toothy mouth, of the very thing they were sent into this Juvenile centre to take care of. 

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