Chapter 7 - '...Of Nightmares'

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[Alright, so we passed the vote count last week, so, as promised...A BRAND NEW CHAPTER JUST ONE WEEK AFTER EVERYTHING THAT WENT DOWN IN THE LAST ONE! A lot of things took place, such as the reader eating one of Sukuna's fingers. I'm here to tell you now...The reader will not become another Sukuna. It's just a starting point of the overlapping mystery that I have going on with this story. One you all will definitely not want to miss because, I swear, it's going to feel so satisfying once it's all together. And it'll make this book ten times better! So, for now, just sit back and enjoy the road. Hopefully, we can continue to build this book better and better. Because within just 6 chapters, this book is almost at 40k reads. Even going back to my old account, that's impressive. So I seem to be doing something right with this story, so let's keep it up!]

[Your POV]

I still see it...So clearly. The pale skin. The innocent look in his eyes. The freedom from Sukuna's control. It was like a painting, one my eyes would never free me from. But...The thing that haunted me most, was his final words...

"...Thanks, (Y/n)."

Those words threw me off instantly. Why would he thank me? Especially when he was about to die? Sure, I saved him from Sukuna. But in the end, I was also the one that killed him. I don't think it affected me right away. I mean, I did kinda die afterwards. I found out that my heart stopped beating for five minutes. Everyone else was perplexed how I suddenly came back to life. 

But me...I knew why. But even with me being alive still, I think that only sharpened the pain of Itadori's death more. I survived, whilst he died. I felt like I was living a nightmare every time I woke up to remember he was no longer here. I wasn't entirely close with him, despite saying he was my best friend a few times. Those were just for jokes. 

But the more I think about it, he was probably the best candidate to have as a best friend from the first years. He was funny, goofy, and liked to have fun. How could you not like that? But...Maybe in another life. For now, I was left by myself. Those final words from Itadori still haunted my mind, as did his face. They had for every night now. And just like every other night, I experienced a nightmare like this...I woke up in fear.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry!"

The words followed a loud gasp as I pounced from my bed. Sweat covered my body, and glistened by the night sky light that crept through the open window. My eyes remained wide. Even though I was awake, I still felt like I saw the image of Itadori's dying face right before me. But after a few seconds of my eyes adjusting, all I faced was the closed door of my bedroom at Jujutsu High. 

It wasn't long before my eyes were focused elsewhere, as movement came to my right. When gently hands grabbed my arm, my head twisted, greeted by the concerned face of Maki. Her hair hanging loose, whilst her eyes remained free from her glasses. Such allowed me to see the concern she carried. Yet, even with such a look, I was able to find a sense of peace as she checked to see if I was alright.

Maki: "(Y/n), what's the matter? Are you okay?"

(Y/n): [Panting] "I...I-I think so. Yeah. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you."

Maki: "Don't worry about that. I'm worried about you. This is the fourth night in a row that you've woken up after having nightmares. Okay? I'm...I'm worried, alright?"

(Y/n): "I know. I'm sorry. It...It's just...I-I keep seeing his face, Maki. I can't get rid of it."

Maki: "You mean Itadori?"

I didn't need to answer for Maki to realize the truth. The way my head dropped was enough confirmation for her. But this just caused me to see yet another thing that drove me to return to this world even sooner, the way Maki hung close to me and began rubbing my back. Such emotions weren't really her strong suit. But the fact she was trying was more than enough.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 'Cursed Potential' [Male Reader X Jujutsu Kaisen Harem]Where stories live. Discover now