Chapter 2 - 'Life, Death And Rebirth'

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[Before we get into the chapter, a few things I want to bring up. Firstly...A MASSIVE THANK YOU! Last chapter got 1.38k reads, 271 votes, and over a hundred comments in a single 24 hour timespan. That's incredible. Truly a result I wasn't expecting, but found myself smiling from ear to ear after seeing it. So, thank you all for that. I really do hope you all liked it, and continue to like this book. However...There are some things I want to clarify...

1.) A few people complained about the reader not being a 'chad' or 'powerful'. Which, I get, we like characters that are better than ourselves in someways and whatever. However, people saying that is a disappointing aspect of the story isn't really fair. Mainly because...It's the first chapter...there are things like character development, etc. I don't know how many times I've said how I see stories as actual stories and not fanfics, so I like being serious with them. So seeing people clammer the reader for being normal...It's something that's a tad annoying because, it's like, you want me to rush things without giving a proper story. I'm trying to make it the best for you guys!

2.) A few people again, stated the first chapter was slow and the flow felt off. Well...Not really much I can do about that as I'm going off the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Manga. Even so, I will try to make it as good as I can with each chapter that comes your way.

But besides those few things, the first chapter did incredible. And just like I promised, another 15k word chapter only four days after. So here it is everyone, a new chapter. I hope you like it as much, or even more then the first, and hopefully for those bringing up questions about the readers credentials can get a somewhat understand of what's in store for them. Because this is where the book really gets into second gear!]

[3rd Person POV]

A dark room within the halls of Jujutsu High, Gojo, decked in normal attire with some glasses, could be seen standing before unknown figures that lurked in the shadow. All the while, they spoke of the events that took place at the elementary school which happened just three months ago...

"It seems that the boy does have cursed energy after all."

"And quite the debut, if you ask us."

"...But this is not a good thing Gojo."

"We allowed (L/n) to come to this school because we thought he was of little cursed energy."

"But this clearly shows our greatest fears are true. So what will you do about this, Satoru Gojo?"

A charismatic smile, as always, found Gojo's lips as he spoke out to the unidentified figures.

Gojo: "Whilst I share your surprise in seeing Babu--I mean, (Y/n)'s sudden action. I assure you, just because he was able to pull off such a feat. We can't just jump the gun here! He's not a normal kid after all!"

"Exactly. That is what we are referring to."

Gojo: "Uh, actually, I was kinda talking about because he's related to me!"

Gojo started scratching the back of his head as he said that. The voices from the shadows were silent momentarily before one of them, an old man, spoke out rather loudly.

Old Man: "Stop your nonsense! Had (Y/n)'s full potential been released, an entire town could have been destroyed!"

Gojo: [Smiles] "I would have risked my life to make sure that wouldn't have happened. But there's one thing I can say for sure... When it comes to (Y/n)'s true potential. All we know is that his Mom has been doing the best she could to keep him safe ever since he was a little boy. She didn't want him a part of this. But it's you lot who seem to think there's some use for him."

Jujutsu Kaisen: 'Cursed Potential' [Male Reader X Jujutsu Kaisen Harem]Where stories live. Discover now