Chapter 11 - 'Teenage Landscape -Part One-'

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[Before we start, just want to apologise that I wasn't able to keep my promise about bringing this out one week later. Unfortunately, I had a hectic week at work that I didn't think would be as hard; plus I also grew sick OF COURSE...The first day after I had finished a busy week at work. And as much as people say its fine, look after yourself first, which, I always will do. It still sucks that I couldn't deliver my promise. So I hope that what I am able to deliver to you all today ends up being something you like. But to make up for it, nonetheless, I'll see if I can get the next chapter out within Ten days instead of two weeks]

[The last chapter reached the goal limit, so as promised, I bring you all, just one week later, ANOTHER 15K WORD CHAPTER! And after the last one, we're back into the continuing of the ARC at hand. And in this chapter, we finally come face to face with a villain we love to hate. The guy who likes touching people! And who has surprisingly silky smooth hair I bet! Mahito! But there's also more to this chapter than just silky hair. There's a bit of heart thrown into this one, as the reader makes an unlikely friendship with a nobody. And it's those moments when set up the coolest events to come. So, get ready everyone, we're back in the Jujutsu World once more!]

[Your POV]

Waking up this morning, I expected many trials to come my way. Maybe a few kicks in the gut from Gojo when we trained. Perhaps a violent attack from curses.  And, of course, the urge to try and not piss Maki off with a simple mistake or inconvenience that'd get on her nerves. But out of all the trials, all the tribulations, nothing quite scared me as the moment I found myself in now. A situation that scares even the strongest of male sorcerers. Bringing them all to their knees. All I could do was blink in fear, as I stood before the one enemy no man knew how to defeat. 

And that...was the female underwear section at a shopping mall. Yes, you heard me right, the greatest fear of all males was being caught standing in front of a mannequin wearing very see-through-looking underwear. You fear such a thing as a child, as a teenager, and even as an adult. The fear of being judged by every passing female who think of you as a weird pervert was something that always ran down the spines of the unlucky few who found themselves in the situation I found myself currently in. Yet, as with me being me. 

A powerful sorcerer unlike any other, I found myself weakened as I awkwardly stood before one of these very mannequins. Trying my best to avert my gaze, looking for something less inappropriate to look at. But there was nothing to save me. I was left to seep in the complete anxiety of fearing every single judgemental gaze that could potentially be looking down at me right now. Now, I could just walk away. But, of course, that was easier said than done, especially when the people I was with wouldn't let me leave.

(Y/n): [Slightly blushing] "Um...Maki? Couldn't I just, um...Wait somewhere else?"

I awkwardly finished off with a chuckle as I outright spun my body around, facing the opposite direction of the mannequin in doing so. Now, some may say why I didn't do that before. Well, upon turning around, I was greeted by the answer. And that answer was the sight of Maki looking through the various, um...underwears, that were set out on display on the benches before her. Yeah, this whole store was full of things that made guys feel very uncomfortable. Unfortunately for me, Maki didn't seem to share my thoughts.

Maki: "Huh? What? Why do you need to go somewhere else? I won't be long."

(Y/n): "I-It's not that you're taking your time--" [Thoughts] "Well, for this, maybe..." [Out Loud] "--But more so with where we are currently?"

Maki: "What do you mean? We're just in a clothing store."

Yeah...A clothing store, whose largest section seems to be that of underwear directed solely for females. Unfortunately, it seemed my efforts to direct such a thing may have taken too long, as when I came back to reality, I was greeted by the narrowed gaze of Maki, focused solely on me.

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