Chapter 9 - 'Little Death'

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[Alright, so we continue the grind. A lot went down in the last chapter, and we technically reach a new phase of this book. Now, during the time from last chapter to now, season 2 of the anime has ended. Now, despite with how many episodes I've still got left to cover, I more than likely will finish this book before season three even comes out. Now, as some of you know, I planned to end this book at season 2. But, I've come to a roadblock with two possible outcomes...

1.) I finish this book at season 2's end, being able to wrap up the story in my own way. [With no left over plot points. Basically, it'll be my ending to the story, with events from the show molding in with it]

2.) I finish THIS book at the end of season 2, then wait for season 3 to come out and I basically do another book continuing the story. [Kinda like how Naruto Shippudon is a continuation of Naruto. That way this book wouldn't be left for dead only to come back years later with a lesser audience.]

So, yeah, they're the ideas I have at the moment. We'll see how things go as we continue our journey through this book. But, for now, we have a lot to get through. So, get ready people, because a lot of fun stuff is coming your way!]

[Your POV]

As of late my life has been...Pretty much all over the place. One moment I was happy as can be, joyish to be back in a world where I was with people I cared about, and the next, I felt like I being forced into the ground by the gravity of the world. But, like all great heroes in manga, I was able to overcome such circumstances...With the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! Well, that and a serious case of situational depression. But it was mainly the first one. I know it sounds kinda cheesy hearing it, but in a way, it's the best choice to describe what happened. I mean, I was at rock bottom. I felt like nothing was going my way. I felt like I was when I was a kid. Alone, and without hope. But all it took was Gojo to have a heart-to-heart with me, and I realized the error of my ways.

Now, as much as I love Gojo, he's family after all, it wouldn't take much for people to figure out why a lot of others hate him. He was normally self-centred and had an overbearing personality. But deep down, he cared for those he called friends. Such was confirmed when we spoke. He revealed things I knew was close to him, add in the fact he used my name instead of his stupid nickname for me, and you knew he was serious. It was because of all these things that pushed me to start a revolution in the world. Without any fear, I walked into the sanctuary of my girlfriend's clan, and put them in their place. I wasn't normally one for conflict if I could avoid it. But I knew, this time, I'd have to get my hands dirty to protect those I care about.

So, one destroyed clan later, and a serious speaking to by the Higher up's, I returned to my life as a sorcerer who seemingly returned from the dead. Well, actually, I kinda did do that once. So, forget the 'seemingly' bit. I really am a sorcerer who returned from the dead. And it's because of this second chance I wasn't going to let anything go to waste. I didn't want anything holding me back from enjoying my life. And that's exactly where I find myself now, standing in the middle of Tokyo, right outside an arcade centre, a joyous smile on my face. But I wasn't smiling because I was within the vicinity of video games. Well, it wasn't the main reason. I am still a boy after all. But, no. It was not the main reason. 

The main reason I was smiling was because I saw this as the perfect opportunity to help one major part of my life to finally find some balance! And that thing, of course, was...

"(Y/n), why are we standing in front of an arcade?"

"Yeah. I thought we were going some place fun?"

(Y/n): "Uh, this place is fun. Duh."

An overabundance of confidence filled my words as a smile found my lips. A smile which didn't fade as I twisted by body around to see two people standing behind me. Those two were, of course, Maki and Nobara. Both wore casual clothes, along with me, something that was a little different from our usual school get-up. Maki wore a pair of short shorts, with a white and green striped top cover mostly by a jacket. Whilst Nobara wore a pair of black jeans with matching black high thigh boots, with a dark blue sleeveless top to finish it off. As for me, I was a guy...So I just chucked on whatever I found before coming here. Though, I was surprised to see both (Y/n)'s giving me looks that seemed to suggest that they weren't quite as happy as I was right now.

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