chapter six

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Over the next few weeks, the rift in the group resides and everything seems to go back to normal–apart from the fact Henry and Alex spend a lot more time together. The bubbling guilt permanently settles in the pit of Alex's stomach and during one of June's organised outings, Alex finds himself thinking about it a lot.

Alex wanted to let things calm before he told Henry but one week turned into three and now, he feels like it might be worse that he's waited so long to tell him and telling him now will only cause more harm than good. What if he does find out eventually and it's not Alex who tells him, that's even worse but what if he tells him now and that's enough for Henry to never trust him again because he promised to do it right this time? Alex spirals, aiming to keep his face carefully blank as the group is planning and brainstorming for June and Nora's ball over lunch at a cafe. Alex can't hear a thing over the incessant blaring thoughts that make it impossible to be present with his friends right in front of him.

"Alex," Henry's voice pushes past the sound of Alex's loathing spiral, it sounds like honey in contrast to his internal dialogue. "I can hear the cogs turning in your head from here. Are you alright?"

"Sorry?" Alex responds, he blinks rapidly to bring himself back.

"You're spiralling," Henry says matter-of-factly as he gently pokes his temple. "Your eyes give you away."

"What? When I think?" Alex questions. He almost hates how well Henry has gotten at reading him lately, all this time they spend in each other's pockets is almost backfiring on him.

"Yes," Henry smiles softly, his voice still hushed to not gain the attention of the rest of the group. "What's wrong, darling?"

Darling. It makes Alex melt every single time and it makes hiding his guilt so much harder. Henry must know it's a weak spot for him. "I'm okay... I just zoned out."

Henry doesn't believe him; Alex can tell by the way he's looking at him and he's realising now that he can read him just as well. Henry looks at him like he can see right through him–probably because he can–he can see that something is eating at him, but he doesn't push. He just gives him a sad smile and somehow it hurts more than Henry pushing. He's too patient and understanding.

"So, Henry," Nora says with a click of her pen. Henry breaks their eye contact and whips his head to look at Nora who bites her bottom lip in thought. "Any chance we can use your popularity to our advantage?"

Henry's brows furrow. "Elaborate."

"You could be our celebrity guest," Nora says. "It would definitely increase numbers if people knew you were coming."

"I am a far cry from a celebrity," Henry says. "But I suppose I could."


"Yes ma'am," Pez responds.

"Can you help with collecting donations?" Nora asks.

"Can do," Pez confirms.

"Alex," Nora says with a wide grin. "Just sing and look pretty."

"You shan't have a problem with the latter," Henry says quietly with a private, flirty smile. Alex feels heat reach his cheeks as he huffs out a laugh. Henry is too good, and Alex really feels like he doesn't deserve this.

June, Nora and Alex spend the afternoon in the campus hall where the ball will be held to rehearse and set up. The stage is bigger than what Alex is normally used to, and he's never been more excited. There are tables, chairs, speakers, and decorations piled in the center of the hall that June and Nora have collected over the past few weeks that need to be set up. They start with setting up the layout for the tables.

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