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Like Bella said last night, she took me to a garage first thing in the morning and we rented a car there. It wasn't in the best condition but it wasn't bad either for temporary use.

"I guess it will be fine." she said as I sat in the driver's seat and she seated herself in the passenger seat. "Just don't take it too far."

I nodded and then a thought appeared in my mind. "What if I had to go to the jungle?" The jungle was where Atticus West lived and there was something in my mind telling me that one day or another, I'll have to go there.

Hearing my question, her head whipped towards my direction in a dangerous speed and her eyes widened in panic. "Why would you go to that damned jungle?" she asked.

"Um..." I stared at her frightened face with a mixture of confusion and concern. "I was just asking. Is there something wrong?"

"That place is dangerous Sapphire. You can't go there." she said in a voice resembling that of a warning.

The garage was just two streets away so we were back in front of Bella's apartment.


Her grey eyes were brimming with worry, for me probably. "Just promise me, Sapphire. You won't go there." she said and extended her hands to grip my palm, her eyes staring into mine.

"Ok. I won't," I said to relax her and it worked. She let out a small sigh and prepared to leave the car. "Now, I'll like to take a drive around this block."

"Be back before sunset," she said before stepping out of the car. As she walked back into the house, my eyes kept glued to her back. There wasn't something she wasn't telling me and I needed to know what.

I revved the engine and turned the car to my destination. The roads were mostly unoccupied, unlike all the big cities I have been in, and the wind here was light and fresh. As it blew through my button holes, my skin shivered in cold.

The road led to the busiest streets of the town where most of the shops were located. Parking the car on a side, I slid my bare arms into my warm coat and stepped out of the car.

An array of small and cozy shops greeted me; the scent of roses from a flower shop filling the atmosphere. I walked towards a small doughnut store on my left and asked for a chocolate doughnut. Once she gave it to me, I paid for it and walked forwards.

There was a stationary shop next in lane, the colorful assemblage of markers and pens attracted me but I controlled the urge because I knew once I stepped inside, I'd waste all my money on things I'd never use.

So I treaded forwards and took a bite of the doughnut. It's sweet nutty taste forced me to close my eyes and cherish the taste.

Once I opened my eyes, my gaze fell on the huge collection of books and novels peeking through the glass door of a shop.

Excited, I walked through the door and met with the huge shelves all around, occupied by hundreds of books. There was a similar bookshop in London near my apartment and its owner was a sweet, old lady who sometimes gifted me books for free.

"So you stalked my working place too?" A familiar voice reached my ears from behind and I turned around, only to meet with the handsome face of Connor Hunt.

"Um... No... Actually..."

"I was kidding, Sapphire." he said, a brief smile lingered on his lips. He was wearing a black shirt that hugged his masculine built and the light stubble on his angular jaw was adding to his attractiveness.

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