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Being with Atticus West in a closed space was sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't imagine that grown man shifting into a huge animal within few moments and tearing someone apart. How was that scientifically possible? Is there any logical explanation for it?

I lifted my head to look towards him and gulped hard when I found him already staring at me through the mirror. Even through the mirror, his gaze was boring holes on my forehead with the intensity.

I scooted closer to Connor and put my hand on his. This alerted him and he looked at my direction, his face filled with confusion.

"Isn't it cold in here?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he replied. "Sorry that my car ruined the night."

"It's okay. I enjoyed a lot." I replied with a small smile. When I looked again towards the mirror, Atticus' jaw was clenched and his expressions were incomprehensible.

"Sapphire, how did you find your way out of that jungle?" It was Atticus who asked this time.

"Bella helped me." I added in a soft voice.

"Great," he smiled. "We were looking for you. I wish you had waited for us to help you."

I looked away in disgust because of the devilish smirk lingering at his face. He knew that I knew about his truth and he was reminding me of my time in jungle so he could make me realise he could do anything to harm me.

"Girls like you aren't safe in this town." he added.

Girls like me? Or just me? Subtle, Atticus West. Really subtle.

Beside me, Connor also had a displeased look on his face. He must be thinking Atticus was trying to flirt with me but it was the opposite. He was looking for a way to kill me so I couldn't be used against him. I exchanged a look with Connor and passed him a brief smile. This seemed to calm the frowns on his forehead.

"I am sure Sapphire will be okay." Connor added.

"Hopefully." Atticus replied. "But one can never be too careful."

I waited in silence the rest of the drive, until he finally stopped the car in front of Bella's house. If I didn't know any better, I would be paranoid that how he knew my address but of course he did. After all, he had been stalking me since the minute I stepped into this town.

Connor and I stepped out of the car. "Thank you, Mr. West," Connor said on both of our behalf.

"Don't worry, it's my duty to help someone stuck in a difficult situation." he said and I internally laughed at the irony. "Will see you soon, Sapphire." he said to me.

'Hopefully never.' I thought internally but passed a smiled instead.

After he drove the car past us, I said Good Night to Connor and went inside the house. He looked like he wanted us to spend some more time together but Atticus had successfully ruined the night.


"Do vampire exist?" I asked Bella who was sitting beside me, eating her cereal.

"It is not a paranormal romance, Sapphire. It's real life. Vampires don't exist." she chuckled at me.

"Oh, what about hybrids?" I asked further.

She put the bowl aside and turned towards me. "Sweetie, you need to stop watching Netflix." she made fun of me and I turned red in embarrassment.

I took a bite of my boiled egg when I heard the ringing of my mobile from my bedroom. Excusing myself, I made my way inside and picked up the phone.

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