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"She is here," Connor said as he entered my room. His voice was faint and exhausted, as if bringing her here was difficult for him.

"I know," I said and turned around to look at the face of my love. Instead of the joy of success on his face, there was a hint of pity and shame. And I knew why.

That girl had made an impression on him. He was affected by her beauty, her fake sweetness and her boring bookish nature. He liked the time he spent with her, maybe more than the time he spent with me. Somewhere in the past few days, he had forgotten our purpose. And I will gladly remind him of that.

Stepping closer to him, I inhaled deeply. His masculine scent was mixed with a feminine flowery scent which made my skin burn in rage. But I knew how to keep myself calm. "Finally, you brought her here. I thought you'd go soft after fucking her." I smirked.

Within a moment, his face paled as if all the blood had been drained from his face. Did he really think I won't know about his closeness to Sapphire? Did he really think I won't keep tabs on two most important people in my life?

"I... It... I had to do it so that she won't doubt me." he said, refusing to meet my eyes. There was guilt on his face that said that was not the only reason.

"Of course," I whispered, a smile lingering on my lips. Bringing my hand to his face, I traced my finger along his chiseled jaw. "It won't happen again. Would it?" I asked and he shook his head in no.

"Great," I said and followed him to the other room where he had captured her.

He opened the door and I walked inside, preparing to see her. She was sitting on the bed, the handcuffs keeping her secured. Her eyes were closed and her hair was sprawled on the bed.

The legend, the chosen one; so innocent and so evil at the same time.

"Look at her, so beautiful that she almost looks unreal." I said and beside me, Connor let out an aggravated sigh. Stepping closer to her, I ran my fingers alone her silky white hair. "Imagine this pretty face when it will be drained off all the blood. Would you still find her attractive?"

"It's enough." he said. "Go easy on her."

"Why? Do you feel pity for her?" I asked him and he still didn't look in my eyes. "Have you forgotten what Atticus did to your wife?"

"I haven't forgotten anything." he growled at me as a vein in his neck popped out. "I'll avenge Tara's death, even if this girl has to die for it."

His eyes burned with fury and his jaw was clenched. "Good. That's the Connor I fell for." I said and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He returned my kiss but his movements were reluctant, unsure. He was thinking about her, about the night he spent in her embrace.

But there was nothing to worry about as he will be all mine once she is dead.

Sapphire fucking Denver, you deserve to die the most painful death.



My whole body felt like it was run over by a truck. I tried to open my eyes and it took every last bit of courage to do so. And when I did, my eyes met with the dark ceiling hanging over me.

I attempted to rub my eyes and that's when I realised that my hands were secured. Panicked, I looked at the handcuffs linking me to the bed.

"Shit," I remembered what happened with Connor. I still couldn't believe the fact that he wanted to harm me. The only person I really trusted in this town had betrayed me.

My eyes filled with tears as I remembered how I spent the night with him. Everything was a game for him, a way of hunting me and here I was, who believed everything he had said.

I was about to fall in love with him. Shit.

"Let me go," I screamed in pain. My whole arm was hurting due to my awkward posture. I looked around myself, to look for a way to escape but there was nothing around me. It was a small room, consisting of just a single bed and a door facing the bed.

"Let me go you fucking piece of dick," I screamed again, which was followed by a series of coughs. My throat felt parched, as if I haven't drunk anything since a week. I wondered how long was I unconscious. Few hours? A day? A week?

"Let me go. Please." The anger in my voice changed into desperation.

When I realised nobody was coming here to free me, I yelped in frustration and attempted to free myself from the cuffs. But it didn't help at all and I ended up making my wrist hurt like hell.

I fell back on the bed limply and groaned. I was stuck here. I didn't even tell Bella that I was here. How would she find me in the middle of woods? I don't even know if I was still in woods or somewhere else.

Fucking hell.

I was still in these thoughts when the door to the room opened and Connor entered in. Seeing him reminded me of his betrayal, of how he took advantage of my vulnerability. The green eyes that I was adoring a day ago looked cruel now, the kindness in them long gone.

"Sit up," he ordered without looking into my eyes.

"Fuck off," I growled.

"Sit up," he gripped me with arm and pulled me to sitting position, not caring about my pain.

"Free my hands." I roared at him.

"Not possible." he said and sat down in front of me. He extended the sandwich in his hands to my mouth and ordered me to open my mouth.

My stomach was growling but I couldn't show him any weakness so I turned my face away.

"Don't tempt me Sapphire. Open your mouth." His voice was hard and emotionless, just like his face.

"Fine, then you can die in hunger." he gritted when I didn't listen to him and stood up.

"And you can die in pain," I said and using my free leg, kicked him in his balls. He yelped loudly and scrunched forwards, to hold his private parts. His face was flushed, with either anger or pain and his eye were clenched tightly.

Once his pained expression relaxed, he went to a corner of room and picked a piece of rope lying there. He then returned to me and gripped my foot.

"Don't you dare," I screamed as I twisted on the bed to free my leg. But he was more powerful than me. Soon, he over powered me and tied my feet together tightly.

By now, my throat was aching due to all the screaming and there was no power left in me. "Was everything a lie?" I asked breathlessly and this stopped him. His hands froze on my feet and he kept staring there. "The books, your wife, Sweet nothings?"

"Nothing I said was lie. I loved my wife, a lot." The softness in his voice returned for a small moment after which it became the same. "But she didn't die in accident. She was killed on a full moon night by Atticus Fucking West. And I'll avenge her death."

A very small part of me felt pity for him but then I remembered how he used me for his revenge. "Even if it means killing me?" I asked, hoping he would let me go.

He lifted his head to look into my eyes and all I saw was hatred. "Even if it means killing you." he said and then tied the free end of the rope to the bed.

As he closed the door and the lights behind him, the room drowned in darkness. Hot tears steamed down my cheeks in frustration and fear.

Was that all I meant to everyone? A way of survival and a way of revenge? Is that what my existence had been reduced to? Maybe death is the best option for me overall. Why do I even want to survive this shit?


Who will save Sapphire now?

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